Reviews for The Undiluted Truth
VashonBeader chapter 2 . 7/30
Another one to follow! Love the beginning, and look forward to reading more.

You are just a wonderful author! Thank you!
EmlynMara chapter 9 . 7/24
I’m not sure what Albus is up to, but I don’t trust him. I do hope these two manage to communicate at some point. Severus really needs to think on what he sees with a clearer head.
fraewyn chapter 9 . 7/16
Love it!
Rori Potter chapter 9 . 7/15
Amazing! Update soon.
Nymeria Arcania chapter 9 . 7/15
Those bastards where trying to kill him.
JWOHPfan chapter 9 . 7/14
So how long are you going to let the snakes be mean to our Harry? It’s getting a bit old and out of character for a house that is supposed to look out for its own since no one else does!
DS2010 chapter 9 . 7/14
At least Severus is realizing something is up with Potter
geekymom chapter 9 . 7/14
Fantastic chapter!
Fires of Eden Red Rose Aurora chapter 8 . 7/12
Poor Harry. I like how he's got some independence though, and I like how he's actually related to Slytherin by blood, as so many use conquest.
The punctuation could do with some improvement though
geekymom chapter 8 . 7/6
Brilliant chapter!
EmlynMara chapter 8 . 7/4
Amazing what you can see when your eyes have been opened. Jewel is proving to be an invaluable friend and ally.
sunsethill chapter 8 . 7/2
Interesting chapter with some good action at the end. I do get tired of fanfiction where Harry hops up and gets everyone's attention to keep them in the Great Hall, but I'm glad he noticed things were not right beforehand.
mackiechandler chapter 8 . 6/29
This is just lovely. I have read other stories with Severus being a father, but so far this rocks. I love Jewel. I love that the hat split him between two houses. Thank you.
Genuka chapter 8 . 6/20
*cackle* I can't wait for him to find out that Harry is his son!
Ana Luisa chapter 8 . 6/15
Hermoso bello muy bien me fascinó
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