Reviews for Dormrooms & Dorkwads
bennet001 chapter 3 . 6/25
I’ve been meaning to say this since the start of the fic. We all agree that if this was the actual Ainz Ooal Gown they would’ve dead. We all have to agree on this, it’s very important.

I love how Jaune just sussed out Yang. I still think Yang would give him a good slug for his hair comment though.

I know I’m late for this but I think you should switch perspectives on the fly. Having it be from a players perspective when there is significant interpersonal interaction or the characters side to give some moments to be funny and build a rapport between players. Switching, I feel, allows for a longer more fleshed out story or to get right to the crux of the matter.
Draco711 chapter 3 . 6/19
Interesting. Now to wait for its update.
Celticmagi chapter 3 . 6/14
I love this story, its funny and as a D&D nerd myself it is amazing. I love Yang's reactions and her hidden dork is amazing. Please send more soon it's a fabulous story.
Drake-Dragua-22 chapter 3 . 6/14
So yeah chief, I'm gonna need more of this.

Sasquatchrwby chapter 3 . 6/13
Discovered this because of the commission on the subreddit. As a GM I absolutely love this. Please keep this going!
Jajur von Hohenzollern chapter 3 . 5/28
This is... absolutely peeerfect
yomunot chapter 3 . 5/23
Yang definitely has Karen level temper, it's usually just used for physical confrontation instead of verbal lol
yesboss21 chapter 3 . 5/19
How long jas this been in my recommended number sheet list? Because i hit a jackpot
yesboss21 chapter 2 . 5/19
Oh damn I love it, this chsoter and short distractions
yesboss21 chapter 1 . 5/19
I have no imagination or understanding of DnD but this is interesting
the-lost-memories6 chapter 1 . 5/18
Intresting story
Keep up the good work
LordLoverDuck chapter 3 . 5/14
i'm enjoying this

please continue
yomunot chapter 1 . 5/14
Here for it lol
AgentDraakis chapter 3 . 5/12
Yes ,by the Brothers, YES!

I love the flipping between reality and the game. Feels more like a natural session. And the unusual group? Check. You don't know who's down to play until they show up.

As far as Yang min/maxing, it's not a crime to want to excel at whatever role you are playing. I like how she has a good backstory to go with it. It's just sometimes much more fun to have a great backstory even if your character...doesn't make much sense. (One of the guys in my party is a warforged Bard...who was a nanny to a dwarven family...Oh, you know how to use Thieves tools because you had to pick the lock to rescue them from the bathroom or you got locked out as a prank? Just make sure he has something to do or he starts absentmindedly cleaning up around himself...)

As far as Yang regressing her appearance...the glasses make sense but she can always switch back to contacts when they arrive. Unless she seriously stops taking care if herself her teeth will still be straight and her hair will ALWAYS be her source or pride.

I think it would be in her best interest to come clean now, rather than bluster a few more lies that can be discovered. How can they trust her as a player if she can't level with them? I would r Garcia there one of my fellow adventurers tell me his nee girlfriend is dominating his time rather than he lie and say he's got to work, cause we all know we'll still be playing after his shift is over...

*pfft* save versus puberty and natural twenties indeed...
Guest chapter 3 . 5/10
Great story. Hope for an update soon.
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