Reviews for Inherited Quirk
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27
Don't take this the wrong way because I'm not trying to be an ass but in the world of MHA kids are born with one quirk. That means they either inherit their moms quirk or fathers quirk or a combination of both parents quirks. For example Todoroki's quirk is a combination of both of his parents quirks but it's still considered a single quirk.

Midoriya should really have pyrokinesis not two seperate quirks.

As for one for all its an exception since it doesn't follow normal quirk rules. Plus their is 7 other quirks within one for all and five of them are still unknown.

Again this is me just being picky and not trying to be an asshole so please don't take anything I've written above to seriously after all it's your story.
genericanimelover69 chapter 1 . 4/11
thanks for your feedback, we will definitely make these changes
ChunkyFunkyMunky chapter 2 . 4/11
Definitely break these up if there is dialogue.
ChunkyFunkyMunky chapter 1 . 4/11
Break these passages into more paragraphs. This is difficult to read without getting lost.