Reviews for An Old and Nostalgic Thing
Dumbothepatronus chapter 1 . 4/15
Aaahhh this is the second QL Dramione story I’ve accidentally stumbled upon, and my Dramione heart is so happy right now.

I love, have always loved, the notion that the Room of Requirement has a mind of its own, and the ability to be a bit cheeky. You used that idea so well here, with it forcing the two “enemies” together, and then providing that old love letter? So beautifully awkward! I can’t imagine how embarrassed and vulnerable I would feel if that happened to me, and it makes for such a compelling storyline.

I loved the romance woven into this story, and was so happy to see them get their happy ending, or at least happy for now. Thanks for writing this, I enjoyed reading it. :)
TolkienScholar chapter 1 . 4/13
Ooh, this is going to be interesting. Fair warning, I am not a Dramione shipper and have read very little Dramione fic, but I'm going to give this a go! ;) I like that you chose to set it during sixth year, because I can see Hermione taking an interest in the change in Draco's demeanor and wanting to know what's going on. I like that she still carries the pocket mirror - I mean, it has saved her life before! - and finds an opportunity to use it in this case. I was amused by the image of her darting under a table, only for Draco to immediately tell her he knew she was there. So undignified! ;P

The concept of the "Room of Nostalgic Things" is a neat idea, and I love the concept of the Room of Requirement giving what you *need*, not what you *want*. I am curious how Draco knew what this room was called and how he knew it was different from the Room of Hidden Things if he'd never been there before. Is there a sign somewhere?

I enjoyed the exchange about Hermione's "savior complex" and her retorting that he's thinking of Harry. Ouch and double ouch! I also liked the way you explored how people grow and change over time and how Hermione had stopped having a crush on Draco after Buckbeak when she'd realized she couldn't justify his behavior to herself, though she couldn't ever quite forget. The, um, "savior complex" comes out undeniably in her acknowledgement that most of his prejudices come from his parents and her determination to help him; I enjoyed the "Saint Granger" line. I thought it was sweet that what the Room had been determined to give him was for him to read something nice about himself.

Well, you haven't converted me to Dramione ;P, but I enjoyed reading what you wrote! Nice work!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12
An Old and Nostalgic Thing?
You make it sound like Malfoy has inherited his late grandfather's mummified, shriveled and underused penis?
BingeMac chapter 1 . 4/11
This was so cute! I'm so glad another member of my team is a Dramione fan. I can't wait to read more of your fics.
Qoheleth chapter 1 . 4/11
Dear Gracie:

I don't think I follow the magical logic here. What specific need is this form of the Room of Requirement designed to address? Not, surely, just to hide things that one wants to find again; the ordinary Room of Hidden Things would be sufficient for that, since we know that Harry intended to come back for the Prince's book. Is it a straightforward Hall of Fond Memories, the contents of which (apart from the occasional item brought in from outside) change for every visitor? -No, that can't be it; you said that Hermione's only been there once, and that was specifically to drop off the letter, so that must have been the need the Room was addressing. Did Hermione obscurely feel that the letter was too precious to be left just anywhere, and thus cause the Room to take this other form where people have been leaving their special things for a thousand years? -No, that doesn't quite seem to fit, either; why would scores of Hogwarts denizens throughout the centuries all have left their most poignantly personal possessions someplace that they could clearly see others had a tendency to stumble into?

So no, I don't get this at all. It's a nice image, to be sure, but the way you've developed it doesn't allow me to feel it as something real. A shame, really, but there it is.
