Reviews for Merry Fisticuffs, Revisited
DtownGurl4488 chapter 3 . 5/23
As much as I love Luke and lorelai being together, I don't like that it was Chris' expense or that she flat out lied to his face about cheating then had the audacity to claim to want his friendship. What's she gonna do joke and laugh with him all the while KNOWING she's lying. She told Luke when she slept with Chris, why not keep that same energy this time around? I love her but no he absolutely shouldn't be her friend. They're child is grown so there isn't much need for interaction.

Aside from that the characterizations were on point and the smut was good. Cheating plots just rub me the wrong way but I read to see how it's handled.
lizt389 chapter 3 . 5/3
If I haven’t mentioned it before, I needed this. I need Luke and Lorelai in any and all forms. It never gets old - thank you for continuing to bring it to us!
Marina Kitchen chapter 3 . 5/3
That was a really sweet ending :-)
Audrey chapter 2 . 4/30
Yes! More, please!
Nahantdar chapter 2 . 4/27
Make it at least a 4 part!
MLK chapter 2 . 4/26
I’m so glad you’re continuing this story! It’s great! You’re characters and dialogue are very well written, you’re one of my favorite GG fic writers. Thank you!
whysoawesome chapter 2 . 4/25
Glad that there is more because I’m really enjoying. Can’t wait to see what else happens, loving it!
junienmomo chapter 2 . 4/25
Remarkable writing. There is emotional depth without prudery. They are still themselves, and their reactions ring true, even when they make mistakes or do what many people think they shouldn't be doing yet.
Enjoying this very much.
KnightInShiningFlannel chapter 2 . 4/24
YASSSS! More than a one-shot is ALWAYS good hahaha. Can't wait for more LL action.
Petit97 chapter 1 . 4/16
I must admit cheating stories are not really my thing, cause they just seem too sad and that doesn't sound like a good start to a relationship.
That being said, the way you wrote was actually pretty good, so I'm definitely interested in more. I'm already picturing Lorelai telling Christopher and all the screaming and fighting and more male punching and stuff like that.
Hope you decide to write more ]
Snowbeardolphin chapter 1 . 4/13
I like how you wrote this story and I do hope in the future you will add something new to this.

JunkieAngel84 chapter 1 . 4/13
Thank you for providing some much needed javajunkie in these strange days. This was tender, touching and very hot. Love your writing and look forward to more.
KnightInShiningFlannel chapter 1 . 4/13
Swooning over some awesome LL. Loved it as usual, actually really hope it's not a oneshot lol. Thank you for bringing some light to this pandemic. Please give us more... even if it's a new story/ies lol
jram502 chapter 1 . 4/12
yes do a other chapter. so good
Marina Kitchen chapter 1 . 4/12
I loved this! Very well written :-) Definitely wouldn’t mind if you continued the story! I’m so glad you’re still writing! Thank you!
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