Reviews for Enduring Legacy: Twilight's Curse
GamerX568 chapter 5 . 5/26
It's not Nature Chakra, it's Natural Energy, which can be mixed with Chakra to create Sage Chakra, which powers Sage Mode
Guest chapter 5 . 5/18
Me gusta tu historia.
welcome007 chapter 3 . 5/17
welcome007 chapter 2 . 5/17
welcome007 chapter 1 . 5/17
SentinalSlice chapter 4 . 4/27
Hopefully Kurama is able to help Naruto defy the gods.
Anyway, please keep up the great work! I can’t wait to see more! And please stay healthy too!
DarkShadowRaven chapter 4 . 4/26
This is pretty good story so far. The length seems fine.
I haven't read the other story yet but I seem to follow what is happening so far from bits of what I know.

So yeah, good story so far.
Azure-Star-Dragon chapter 4 . 4/26
this is a response to your reply in the AN of chapter 2

that's fine I guess. I just hate the fact that anything and everything(whether it's a good thing or bad thing) that happens in the PJO universe happens because some higher being decided that those things should happen and everyone just thinks that it's for the best and that it had to happen. I really don't like that and I want a story where that isn't the case. I admittedly hate most Naruto & PJO crossovers because more often than not they just throw Naruto(a character who doesn't believe in Fate) into the PJO world and he just goes along with it. The first Enduring Legacy story drew me in because Naruto defied Thalia's "fate" of almost dying and being turned into a tree.
Azure-Star-Dragon chapter 3 . 4/17
the power of prophecy is tied to the soul that was stuck in the body not the body itself from what I can remember. so really Naruto shouldn't have that at all. Also I really hope that you don't force Naruto into a passive role because realistically speaking Naruto is the type of person who would try to defy fate even literal gods of fate appeared before him and proved to him that fate existed.
Kage ongami chapter 3 . 4/16
2000k words a week is better option i guess. As you are updating your stories weekly it gives times for more and more readers to give review on your stories and you also can explain your storeis more effectively in single big chapter so please do not make small small chapters even though you said you will update your storie constantly as i had never seen stories with small chapters very popular amoungs the readers.
Frankly i did not like the your first chapter at all as it was so short but it was the second chapter that peaked my interest a little. So a longer chapter will be preferred.
And also i still do not understand why naruto is in this situation at all and all the stuff going on so please if you will explain that more in future chapter. Thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13
Can't wait to see where this goes
Kage ongami chapter 2 . 4/14
Nice, please some more explanation
Fredegar chapter 2 . 4/14
What is this. Almost none of it makes any sense to the last book it and I read that before and after all the changes and its all a bit of a mess I can say I dont really know what has happened to get to this point unless its a flashblack or foreward. I think you might make sure everyone is on the same page.

On the chapters length waiting for a longer chapter is my vote
GamerX568 chapter 1 . 4/13
Is this a sequel or a rewrite?