Reviews for The Bones of the Cursed
IanAlphaAxel chapter 19 . 7/22
Great chapter!
PearlM21 chapter 18 . 7/5
LOL. Draco and his silly idea for a distraction. Like Snape wasn't going to figure it out. I guess he knows he could get away with it. Also Harry and Ginny trying to get into the bathroom together. That looked so bad! These kids and their plots are always a good laugh :)
James Birdsong chapter 17 . 7/2
This is cool
Guest chapter 17 . 7/2
Complimenti, adesso che Severus stava per parlare con Harry, Draco urla e sviene!
Cosa gli è successo?
PearlM21 chapter 17 . 7/3
Oh man. What an intense cliff hanger! Also LOL. Draco and Harry being in a comradery making like Snape's not there.
PearlM21 chapter 16 . 6/26
There's Rita being a pain again.
PearlM21 chapter 15 . 6/18
OMG! I have a beagle plush that I sometimes refer to as Bagel the Beagle! I guess it kind of rhymes and sounds cute, so probably a lot of people use the name. My actual beagle also passed away a few months ago :( I am super happy to see a beagle puppy is now staring in this fic :) Seeing Draco being so confused with everything was so amusing, especially with his first reaction to the puppy. I guess the cats or dogs in the getting to know each other questions that Luna did was a prelude to this. They did both say dogs. I think Snape asks something about who the dog belonged to when seeing Harry's memories, so maybe he does like dogs, but I see Snape as more of a cat person. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing more. The interactions between the 3 now 4 of them living together are super amusing.
Guest chapter 14 . 6/11
Complimenti, finalmente staranno insieme e magari potranno chiarirsi.
PearlM21 chapter 14 . 6/11
Things are really starting to pick up now. The 3 of them under one roof is going to be mayhem! I have always liked the concept of the three of them being stuck together though.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/4
Complimenti, ma perché ancora Severus e Harry non chiariscono?
Perché gli altri non li aiutano in questo?
PearlM21 chapter 13 . 6/5
Oh I can never get enough of the hijinks you create. I loved the entire Snape and Draco scene where he was trying not to look him in the eyes, then hexed and ran away from him. Then Hermione helping him run and hide in the bathroom together was super amusing. Him climbing over the stall and trying to not make it look like he and Hermione were doing anything inappropriate in there was quite enjoyable. I felt bad for him hitting his head though. That was a bit dangerous. Luckily he wasn't injured too badly and Hermione aw able to heal him.
PearlM21 chapter 12 . 6/4
Things are starting to pick up. Not only do they both know, but soon they will both know they both know. I do think Ginny needs to calm herself a bit though. She's making a delicate situation possibly worse.
Guest chapter 12 . 5/28
Complimenti, spero davvero che Severus possa avvicinarsi ad Harry.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/25
I don't think Dumbledore knew, because it would be really awful of him to know and not tell James.
PearlM21 chapter 11 . 5/24
I enjoyed this so much. The story has a really amazing mystery that makes you want to keep reading. I ran out of chapters so fast! It also has many hilarious moments with all the hijinks. The river of milk incident had be literally laughing out loud while reading. I can't wait to see more of both the serious and comedic parts of your story. You wrote this in a way that just makes everything work so well together. The story's out of control and you just have to love it. I don't know if you're an anime fan, but have you heard of Shigofumi? It translates to something like Letters From the Dead, and I thought of it when I read your description. I was wondering if it inspired you or if this concept just popped up in your mind. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it since you like this kind of concept. I don't think it has a dub, but if you don't mind reading subtitles, it is an interesting watch. It might even give you some ideas! Anyway, I finished this story eagerly wanting more, so I look forward to your next update :)
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