Reviews for Iino Miko Needs Advice
DJ IzeB3rg chapter 1 . 5/2
Goodalwayswins98 chapter 1 . 4/28
Awesome job nailing how awkward Iino is. Here's a suggestion for you: Maybe write a one-shot where it's Ishigami asking Kaguya advice on how to approach Iino?
ShadowBlah2 chapter 1 . 4/22
I really like how clear your writing is. I'm never confused who's talking or what's happening. The formatting separates distinct thoughts which really helps the reader understand the flow of events, not to mention making it easier to read in general not having giant blocks of text.

Miko sticking around awkwardly until Shirogane's done definitely seems in character for her. I also like that Shirogane's finally feeling a bit confident about giving advice after dealing with Tsubasa then Maki so many times. Though, while he would know Miko was talking about herself since he used the same excuse of asking for a friend, I don't think he'd pick up that she was referring to Ishigami. It makes sense to us that's who she's talking about, but part of the joke is everyone is oblivious and only Nagisa can see what would be readily apparent to any normal person.