Reviews for Flash Forward
shadowamy18 chapter 4 . 4/29
Increible! la verdad estuve esperando este capitulo para saber el final. Algo me dice que eres fan de sailor moon, ya que me di cuenta por las referencias que le diste de la hija del futuro y los viajes en el tiempo. y veo que tienes un fic de sailor moon, he estado leyendo tus fic, y debo de decirte que me gustan mucho.
Por cierto, creo que en tu pagina de wix pusiste que sabes español, ya que eres maestra. es una bonita profesión la que tienes, admiro eso. quería pasarte mi canal de youtube (si no te molesta) donde hablo sobre chibi usa y los viajes en el tiempo, explico un poco sobre como afecta en el mundo de sailor moon. por si gustas verlo. watch?vElbsL3xWpAk esta en mi canal secundario. tengo un canal mas grande con el mismo nombre, por si quieres pasarte a verlo (no quiero hacer spam).

la historia se pone cada vez mejor, ya quiero leer la historia que sigue, se nota que estará muy interesante, honestamente me gusta escuchar los soundtracks de sailor moon crystal, cuando leo tus fic, le dan un buen toque, por alguna razón me gusta.

te mando un fuerte abrazo!
LuzAlvz chapter 4 . 4/28
Oh, esto fue totalmente emocionante, literalmente estuve llorando de emoción en algunas partes delos capitulo.
Sobre el nombre, no, no lo tengo *llora de nuevo*
Todo lo que pasó, en mi mente solo corría una especie de canción que me alteraba los nervios con forme iba leyendo más.
Muy buena historia Aqua. Lamento haber llegado tan tarde a leer, y que la revisión sea en español, no he estado bien, en estos días y no me pude concentrar para ponerla en inglés.
Stacy CPR chapter 4 . 4/26
This was wonderful, especially when Cedric and Sofia were the autocoach, when they're talking about Sunni. I think Sunni is their daughter, maybe ;)

I had a great day reading this.
Mr. Shortman92 chapter 4 . 4/25
Loved it! I feel that they must've had another child who is no longer there. Oh, I hope they weren't sacrificed. The realization that Sunni was actually their daughter, was what I was hoping to see in this chapter! So happy about it! I thought maybe you were going to have the Protectors bring them back before they could figure that out, or maybe have them knocked out by their future selves, and their memories of Sunni wiped. But, no, none of that. Though, I see Cedric is still a bit in denial, while Sofia is totally hyped about their future daughter. When Sofia said, "We still never found out her name..." I was waiting for Cedric to say, "We will in a couple years." Haha.

Mistakeand is was bleeding rather badlyit)
AnyaFyre chapter 4 . 4/25
This was amazing! That moment with Cedfia, in the end, melted my heart... I am so excited...I can't wait for the rest!
allyrwhitney chapter 4 . 4/25
Wow! Just WOW! I loved it so much! I could gush about it forever... I liked Sofia's motherliness toward Sunni. And I like the conversation between Cedfia at the end. Really, Cedric! Adopted? Sure. She is your future physical daughter with Sofia, so that means... Squee! Wedding bells in the future. Of course, that's if the future plays out... I hope those horrible Pyramid Panthers are caught before they can ruin the future. I love that Cedfia are getting closer. They seem to be hinting at that a lot... I absolutely loved this!
Royal Detective chapter 4 . 4/25
Aw, hopefully the future has much better reality for all the hints. Well, I'm not so smart in finding that stuff. So I'll just have to wait and see what the future holds...
NerdsinaTree chapter 4 . 4/25
Ah! I loved this so much! It was great! Good to know Tanya and Nana seemed to be growing, even if we weren't given details. Lol, and that conversation between cedfia at the end. Like yes Cedric, she's definitely your and Sofia's physical child, so that means ...;)

I love that even though they haven't officially made the upgrade in their relationship yet. They're bringing it up a bit. Let's you know that it IS coming, they're just waiting for the right time. Reminds me a bit of Eugene and Rapunzel in Tangled :).

I absolutely loved this, and I agree with what Orion says about the future changing. Let's keep the good, and leave the bad for them :)
jettmanas chapter 4 . 4/25
Good descriptions of the Z-Web and Sunni's fascination. The ticking clock to get to doors was used well. Quite the scene of them just making it, and nice use of the Bow. That P-name theme w/the trio was fun. Wow, they had quite the plot going there.

Solid tension in the conflict, and surprising twist w/Sunni being restored and turning the tables. What timing to be pulled back after Cedri's impressive freeing of the captives. Enjoyed the talk w/Orion & Vega on the future. Interesting thought from Sofia on that being her future daughter. Only line I didn't care for was 'You can do anything'. I know it's an expression, but- if only.

End note: Never saw Sailor Moon, no idea on Sunni's flashback, the number, the book, or what her name is. Anyway, Well done!
AnyaFyre chapter 3 . 4/25
Poor Amber and the rest of the royal family :( I'm worried about these Pyramid Prattlers and what they did in the past. It was a really good chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one!
Stacy CPR chapter 3 . 4/25
Absolutely fascinating by every chapter, can't wait to see the next one.
Royal Detective chapter 3 . 4/24
My heart is breaking right now (cries) HOW DARE THEY CAPTURE CEDRIC AND SOFIA! (cries some more)
Royal Detective chapter 2 . 4/24
I have big feeling that's their child somehow...MUST READ MORE!
allyrwhitney chapter 3 . 4/24
What a tragic future! The worst thing is that Baileywick and Nigel died... Well, I suppose it's all tragic... But what about Alamea and Corban? It was odd that they weren't even there. I'm still thinking that this is the future of another realm, not only because there are apparently no royal children, but also because the Dimensional Door looks different to Sunni. Of course, the children could be elsewhere, but the book? I still think Sunni is Cedfia's daughter, just Cedfia of a different realm... I'm still trying to figure out that cryptic message about birds... One is lost and the other is at rest... Rest sometimes means someone died... That could just be referring to Wormwood and Nina, but somehow I think it's more complex than that. I'm looking forward to seeing what the Z Web is. And hey! Is this whole "going to save the future" thing a Sailor Moon R reference? LOL?
shadowamy18 chapter 3 . 4/24
Cielos! Algo me hace pensar que esa niña podría ser nana! Algo en los recuerdos de ella me hace pensar eso, y sobretodo porque nana siempre tenia su peluche de fresa, algo paso en el transcurso del futuro, ese collar, las pistas. No se si este mal en dar la teoría de que podría ser nana, o la hija directa de Sofía y Cedric y ese peluche nana se lo regalo. Algo hay detrás de todo esto. Ya no puedo esperar para leer el siguiente capitulo! Te mando un fuerte abrazo!
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