Reviews for If I Bleed
great gospel chapter 2 . 2/5/2016
Oh man, the tension is killing me. It's also really sad to see Faye so unsure of who she is and actually apologizing to Spike for being a different person when he returned. Well done so far.
great gospel chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
Of fucking course Spike decides to show up as soon as Faye resolves to put herself back together, and all nonchalant about it too. I think you did a good job if capturing Faye's grief about everything that's happened to her and that calm/shocked reaction to Spike's return. I also liked how you noted the slight awkwardness in her and Jet's relationship. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Shubhs chapter 10 . 10/14/2011
During the first few chapters my heart didn't really bleed for Faye, except in a few parts.

I thought it was written pretty well but the angst that Faye felt was over-done in some parts and rather than feeling pity, sympathy or empathy, I was just wide-eyed. It was too dramatized. Spike's reactions, actions and thoughts during some parts were dramatized too. Basically, Faye and Spike were kind of OOC. Apart from that, it was pretty much alright.

The ending could be a bit more bittersweet.
CYLi chapter 10 . 3/26/2010
I never cease to admire the subtle yet straight to the core emotions created within the characters. Their thoughts and uncertainty, their inner turmoil are all exemplified so well. Again, I am amazed at the accuracy of your illustrations of human emotions. It really is uncanny. People really DO think like that. Insanity, confusion, love, hatred, calm, that sometimes occur simultaneously, and sometimes one after another in a relatively short amount of time.

The dialogues are simple yet held so much meaning behind them. Faye and Spike really are like ice bergs, showing only 10% of themselves to the world. It seems like their the only ones who can see through each other's facade.

I also like how you don't bog down with long descriptive paragraphs, which is is sometimes fine, but many writers tend to over-do it, and the stories seemed more about the description than the actual story itself. This story also lay out just enough information and words, and leave the rest for the readers to contemplate.

Again, look forward to more fanfics from you. You're a really awesome writer.
ayasora chapter 10 . 12/3/2008
simple, perfect ending.

simple, perfect story.

thank you for writing this awesome piece of work. XD
ayasora chapter 9 . 12/3/2008
oh Spike... :'(
ayasora chapter 7 . 12/3/2008
"Nice day," he observed. Spike looked at her now, his face so blank a canvas that it seemed to cry for a painter.

Faye was no artist.


"I'm dying," she whispered, not realizing she was thinking aloud.

Spike turned to look at her, but her solemn eyes were not meeting his. Her hair whipped around her face as the wind picked up.

"We all are," he answered. Their eyes met, and she nodded.


you are a friggin genius writer. you're incredible. ive read a lot of fics, and i'm happy to say that ive NEVER read one as original like this story is.

you definitely have away with words. XD
ayasora chapter 6 . 12/3/2008
lmao. every song that you integrate in almost each chapter, i have playing in the background while i read.

this song, "uninvited," its haunting. but it fits.

i don't really listen to alanis, but i've gotta say, from listening to the other songs also,

you have a pretty cool taste in music. XP
ayasora chapter 3 . 12/3/2008
wow, faye really is going crazy. lol.

and spike is acting OOC. wats goin on? XP

off to the next chap!
ayasora chapter 2 . 12/3/2008
woah dude, intense. XD
ayasora chapter 1 . 12/3/2008
oh, i've gotta say, so far, in the past hour, i have tried reading about 2 CB fics, but never got past the first chapter with either stories because, well, pretty much, they were a little...horrible. lol.-you see, i've kinda been going through withdrawal from one of my favorite CB fics because it's yet to be updated yet, so i'm looking for a temporary fix. lol-but anyways, its definitely not the case with you of course! lmao. XD

i'm friggin loving it, so im off to the next chapter. DD
mcgthatsme chapter 10 . 2/6/2008
Argh... depressing. But amazing writing,and it just oozed emotion... it was convincing too. Wow.
xxxxx11111 chapter 10 . 3/25/2007
Is it okay to start this review with a confession? So I'd noticed this story on a lot of favourites lists but the reason I never read it was the angel/flying quote in the summary. I thought it was a line of dialogue from the story and it just didn't sit right with me. But then I read it and I saw where you included the quote and it just fitted so perfectly. The whole thing. Amazing.

The emotions in this are painfully real. I think this is the best story I've read in terms of dealing with how fucked up Faye would be by her memories coming back. And how you dealt with both her and Spike's grief - maybe there would be no happy ever after, just two messed up people finding a shoulder to cry on. It was wonderful.

So please accept my apology for being so lame and only just getting round to reading your fantastic piece. It rocks.
September's Nobara chapter 10 . 11/12/2006
Beautiful work; I started to cry (because of leaving, and the open ended, emotional manner of everything) but this line made me stop, and calm down: "They could cry themselves an ocean, but it would not change who they were. But maybe it was better this way. They had helped each other, given each other a shoulder, support that they could not have found anywhere else."

On a lighter note, I love the similies you used to describe how Spike affected Faye (cheesecake... *snicker.* The knight and princess metaphor, and reality, were eerily appropriate).

You've done well, here. Great job.

Take care,

~September's Nobara.
September's Nobara chapter 1 . 11/12/2006
So far, I'm really enjoying this; your style of writing this is a good balance of narration and dialogue, actions, and reactions. Great work.

Take care,

~September's Nobara.
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