Reviews for One Moment In Time
andyg2525 chapter 9 . 8/30
awesome please write soon
SparklyTree3876 chapter 9 . 8/17
Nice work on this chapter. I understand Tommy being uncertain about being a good father. Andros is the same way in "Not Here." I think you should have Tommy take Kim to her ultrasound appointment and learn something unexpected about her pregnancy. Update soon.
James Birdsong chapter 9 . 8/13
Good six chapters
Itakecatnap chapter 9 . 8/9
Please update soon as possible.
Note to self last chapter read : 9
brankel1 chapter 9 . 8/3
Izzy Evans chapter 9 . 8/2
I apologize in advance for my bad English. I can speak it better than write it. So I just hope that you still understand what I want to say.

I don't even think the idea of the story is bad. Something different. I'm actually waiting for Rita and Zedd to kidnap Kim, because then they would have double pressure against the rangers.
So Kim is supposed to move to her mom in France and Tommy doesn't mind? But I'm very disappointed with him.
What I'm wondering is why Kim's mom doesn't choose the easy solution? It is creditworthy and therefore also has the opportunity to rent an apartment for the two.
The rest of the three can clarify among themselves (how and whether they pay the rent back to their mom, etc.) It is really just a matter of the landlord getting his money.

Maybe we'll read each other in the next chapter
Hannah chapter 9 . 7/31
Ooooo cliffhanger!
( no Rita or the marvellous villains in this chapter, boo!)
XD I wonder what you will do next? Keep it up!
SpecialK92 chapter 9 . 7/30
Great chapter! What is going to happen now that Tommy is insecure about being a good father? Will his mom allow him and Kim to stay together? Update soon!
Guest chapter 9 . 7/30
Great story love it. Always wanted Tommy and Kimberly together and have a family. Keep it up.

ToxicWednesday chapter 9 . 7/30
Yay for a new update! I really loved this chapter and I think that everyone needs a mom as supportive as Kimberly’s! I can’t even imagine the struggle of dealing with teen pregnancy, but I’m hopeful they will come up with a solution that’s right for them. Great chapter! I’m nervous to about what Tommy’s mom will say. Can’t wait to read what you bring next!
Hannah chapter 6 . 7/22
I love this chapter, purely because you have my favorite ship.
Rita x Zedd. I love how you wrote her, ( I’m a MASSIVE villain lover) I CANNOT WAIT for Scorpina to return and our Empress Rita and Lord Zedd to strike!
Can’t wait for chapter 9 ( yes I’ve read all your chapters XD but I love this one the most!)
LanaStar chapter 1 . 7/13
Wow kimberly is pregnant!
Wolfgirl2013 chapter 8 . 7/5
Dun Dun Dun
SparklyTree3876 chapter 8 . 7/2
It was nice to see Kim's mother. The interaction between them and Tommy was very nicely done. Tommy and Kim have a very big decision to make. Whatever they choose, someone will likely not be happy with it. Update soon.
SparklyTree3876 chapter 7 . 7/2
Veronica and her friends were really mean to Kim in regards to her pregnancy. At least Bulk and Skull came to her defense. They were really sweet to do that. I have a feeling someone will demand that Kim give up her baby for adoption in order to 'redeem' herself. Update soon.
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