Reviews for Memories
Guest chapter 5 . 5/8
Hi I'm the problematic anon in question and I would like to apologise profoundly to you. I realise now it sounds as though I were accusing you of purposefully condoning abusive relationships and I'm sorry. I admit I was upset and wrote that in anger. I'm very sorry. And thank you very much for that explanation,you did not owe me that. You write very well and your story is doing well and getting good reviews, I wish you the best of luck and don't want to demotivate you in any way. It's just that, well, I have learned to take disrespect seriously as a symptom, that's all. But you clearly know what you are doing and I acted harshly, so, again, I'm sorry.
Queen Emily the Diligent chapter 6 . 5/10
Aaaah! Aryll!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/7
I must admit this is a major let-down. Of course it's nothing but my own opinion and I guess I'm heavily biased by what I have seen, but I think you will romanticise something very bad with this story. If by any chance any girl or woman is reading this, I want to leave a message: the very first time a man disrespects you, leave. In real life, it escalates and more often than not eventually ends in outright violence. Do. not. ignore. or. explain. away. red. flags.
aurica.kosza chapter 6 . 5/8
Aryll... Omg...
aurica.kosza chapter 5 . 5/8
Why are you apologizing for something that is created by YOU? That's what I'm concerned about. If people don't like what you write, they can move on. This is your story, this is your imagination and interpretation of two people who A: do not exist and B: you can mold into your own thing, because that's the whole game in itself.

Leaving shit open for the player/writer/artist to fill in.

I thought that last chapter was amazing and really showed that actions had consequences and reactions from others. Maybe it looked like it was toxic, but it can be an ENTIRELY different thing too.

Seriously. Never apologize for the stuff you write. I don't either and my story is littered with angst and drama.
DorritosRBomb chapter 1 . 5/7
Ahhh I thought it was a new chapter but thx for the update that cleared some stuff up that I was confused about
zViridian chapter 4 . 5/7
Aww, drama? Sad, but I’m guessing they’ll work it out (they better )
eileen123dt chapter 3 . 5/6
Love this! You write very well and I love the parallels between Link and Zelda’s perspectives. I can’t wait for the next chapter!
zViridian chapter 3 . 5/5
following, I really like this
Queen Emily the Diligent chapter 3 . 5/3
GrumpyShaman chapter 2 . 5/2
hmm, actually i am intrigued
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29
Nice beginning; thank you for sharing. I think Link is nice as he is.
aurica.kosza chapter 2 . 5/1
Yaaay another good story that I can enjoy!