Reviews for Pretty great
starbuckmeggie chapter 2 . 5/11
This is definitely an under-explored moment in Mondler history. Not to mention that everyone always talks about Monica being out of Chandler's league, but this episode delves into Monica's insecurities about their relationship which isn't something that's really addressed on the show. I like that you went into that more here because I think it's important. I like the internal struggles the two of them had with all this because it adds more to their characters and also digs deeper into their relationship dynamics.
FictionWriter91 chapter 2 . 5/9
MARS! Haha! I love it. And of course Joey would make the situation worse with his comments about Wendy. I liked how you wrote in about the whole quitting the gym incident and how it was Monica who got them out of it. I could totally see that happening. The ending was very sweet too :) Great short story!
FictionWriter91 chapter 1 . 5/9
It was great reading Chandler's thoughts and about him quitting his job. I liked the mention of Yemen too, that was awesome. All in all, I think you nailed his worry, fear, and panic over what he had done. It sounded very much like him.
Nesele Toulouse chapter 2 . 5/3
Normally stories that aren't dialogue rich have trouble keeping my attention, but these chapter kept me clinging to every last word, which is very hard to do! Giving a real glimpse inside both of their heads as this was going on was such a great idea, and it matched their emotions perfectly with how they were on the show. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff!
simplymondler chapter 2 . 5/3
Aw an amazing conclusion. It was great we got to see Monica's side of it all. Her thoughts and fears were really overwhelming her which was sad to read but then it just made his return all the more sweeter. Loved it! Thanks and hope you're well :o)
simplymondler chapter 1 . 5/2
Aww I always love when I get a notification you've posted a new story. Admittedly I don't always get to read them as quick as this but I'm glad I got to this time. Such a lovely first part, filled as always with amazing details and your amazing ability to read in between the scenes we see on screen. I loved we got to not only see why he left and his thought processes but also how he quit, that's email, getting a flight and his thoughts during those key moments. Loved the Terry character. Thanks for the writing and sharing :o)
CamilleCM chapter 2 . 5/1
I love how well you explain Monica’s jealousy and how you relate that to her other personality traits: obsessing, being inside her head constantly. It’s really enlightening. Loved everything about this and you really captured the hardships and the joy at the end. Lovely story, it works anytime of the year!
CamilleCM chapter 1 . 5/1
That was, as the title points out, pretty great! I wish that episode was a full on episode and had more present scenes instead of the flashbacks, given how important it is for Mondler, possibly the biggest bump in the road of their marriage. So I really love a great, detailed exploration of what that Tulsa time meant for them, and I love reading more about what happened to encourage Chandler to quit and go home, it also helps that you add a lot of logistics details about how it happened. Makes it fit even better in canon. I especially appreciated learning about Chandler’s relationship to his job. That was like a character study inside the story and it’s just brillant!
matteney chapter 2 . 5/1
Ah, the perfect counterpiece to the previous chapter. It's obvious even in the episode how jealous and unhappy Monica is and you captured that perfectly, along with her restlessness and the need to find out more and to sort it all out. It's sweet she even prepared the folders already to get him to quit so he can do something he loves, reassuring him again he is worthy of it all. We love a supportive wife.
matteney chapter 1 . 5/1
You had me at "Tulsa". Seriously, I'm always down for a fic from that era, especially as we're all bored right now and can use all the great Mondler fic out there. Great to see Chandler's POV from that evening and to see the steps he took to get to Monica on time. Understandably he would overthink his big decisionbut I'm glad Monica will eventually make all his doubts go away. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Oldreruns chapter 2 . 5/1
Really enjoy this look at Monica's side of things before he comes home. It is always fascinating to visit Monica's more irrational insecurities and see the fragility she has at times. It's something we get to see a few times in the show, and you capture it so well. The wheels spinning and how everything starts to spiral a bit. I like how you set up why she seems so happy about him quitting. Everything fits so well and what a great read. Thanks so much for sharing this little two-part surprise!
Oldreruns chapter 1 . 5/1
Love this look into everything after that question from Wendy. You capture the sort of frenetic thought process of Chandler so well. His doubts, determination, impulsiveness and doubts again until finally resolution. Its done so well here and is so entertaining to see.

The flashback and his thoughts on their attempts for a baby fit so well and everything makes so much sense and fits right in.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 2 . 5/1
I love it.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 5/1
Loved it, even if I don't remember all of the ep.