Reviews for The Rest of Their Lives
adelinemarie02 chapter 1 . 9/16
Please continue. I love it so much!
XoGabrielle chapter 12 . 9/12
Please continue! This is so good!
lalaanddiki chapter 12 . 8/31
Oh no! Why did you do this to us? Update please! But also I hope everything is well
tablelukr chapter 12 . 8/24
This story is great. Please continue it. I can't live with it not being finished on a cliffhanger
DonutZ DemonZ chapter 12 . 8/18
Please finish the storyyyyyyy
AvatarHuncho chapter 12 . 8/16
please please please keep writing this piece! need more of this! great job on the first 12 chapters, looking forward for more!
jaub21 chapter 1 . 8/13
In love with this story, please continue! One of my favorite fanfics out there it plays to the characters so well and makes for such a compelling and addicting story to read!
Nino Ilagan chapter 12 . 8/12
Pls continue this is a great story
hhaileyynicholee chapter 12 . 8/9
This story has been so good thus far! Please continue; this is leaving a huge cliffhanger!
rainonme11 chapter 12 . 7/22
pleASE continue and update! very interesting i wanna know what happens
Guest chapter 12 . 7/18
this is so goooddd! please keep going!
jaub21 chapter 12 . 7/18
Yes author! Another great addition and honestly it was worth the wait. Thank you for continuing this story! I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Ashley Barbosa chapter 12 . 7/12
Alright, at least she has feelings for him, that's a good start. Whew, thank Godness you haven't forgotten this fic. Keep going!
calliopecancer chapter 1 . 7/11
This is so good! Thank you for sharing, I can't wait to see where the story goes :)
Bunnie64 chapter 12 . 7/10
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