Reviews for The Life and Times of Louie Duck
Heart of the Demons chapter 10 . 5/12
This is a pretty awesome way to close out the first book in your story. The next book you have planned will no doubt up the ante for our heroes. :)
Heart of the Demons chapter 8 . 5/10
They've definitely got opponents on both fronts. And you two are incredible in portraying those opponents alongside the protagonists. Once again you showcase how creative you are by building upon the "DuckTales" world.
Heart of the Demons chapter 7 . 5/9
You're seriously on a roll today! This next chapter was pretty awesome. The Shadow Realm subplot certainly intrigues me, and I look forward to you exploring that.
Heart of the Demons chapter 6 . 5/9
Another chapter so soon? You must truly be passionate about this fic. I had a blast reading the new chapter. I appreciate Webby's determination to help out Louie; that's what family's for. The way you write all the characters rightfully goes beyond what "DuckTales" can offer us canonically and actually delves deep into the characters' psyches. Please keep up the updates.
Heart of the Demons chapter 5 . 5/8
There's a lotta drama happening - and it successfully hit me in the gut. They and the story's plot are as relatable as ever thanks to your creativity being as sharp as ever.
Heart of the Demons chapter 4 . 5/8
I nearly forgot that you updated this fic. You're on point as always with the way the characters are portrayed. I literally felt what they were feeling.
Heart of the Demons chapter 3 . 5/7
I absolutely loved reading this next chapter of "The Life and Times of Louie Duck." Nice job of consistently developing the plot and characters as always.
Heart of the Demons chapter 2 . 5/7
This second chapter advances things in the coolest way possible. The characterizations and plotting are absolutely mindblowing, as are the interactions.
Heart of the Demons chapter 1 . 5/7
Having seen both the 1987 and 2017 "DuckTales" shows, you can consider me interested in how this fic goes. Chapter one certainly got the ball rolling with Louie's and everybody else's characterizations.
KelseyAlicia chapter 1 . 5/7
Well, I'll be honest. I do not understand who Soran is or what is going on. But your writing itself is very clear, it flows well, and the pace is well done as well.

You are using words people do know and correctly. It seems you do know your grammar very well. Their dialog sounds in character and like real people talking.

Again the events are consistent, and things properly go from point A to point be. You did an excellent job making them relatable and able to feel their emotions.

None of the descriptions are overdone, and you can picture clearly in your mind what is going on.

Overall I feel you are a good writer even if I'm not feeling the story. But I encourage you to keep going as you have the talent and potential to do many wonderful things!

I hope you read and review my stories again soon! Have a nice day! I need to get out in the sun!