Reviews for PAINT the World
Forum Explorer chapter 4 . 7/15
Flowey you're a plant, not a fire slinging goat. You should be less of a pyromaniac
Guest chapter 4 . 7/13
...are they ac-...wait...are they...? Omg I think they are...hehe...well I can't wait to find out what Flowey means by that!
Gullwhacker chapter 4 . 7/13
Cackling. Seriously.
KT-FeatherSage chapter 4 . 7/13
crap i belong on team vertically challenged
im referring it to that because i am not a terror
unless i hate your guts and you start a sass fight with me
then i am a terror
and i will out-sark you no matter what you hit me with
but that's not why i reviewed the story
Great story so far! It's interesting and funny lmao
Enjoy writing, because you have a sense of humour that filters into your writing really well

Forum Explorer chapter 3 . 5/31
Now obviously we should expect Toriel. But that's a trap. We're actually going to get *drumroll noises*

Forum Explorer chapter 1 . 5/21
'You should have been more nervous' is such a great description to start us off with.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/17
Is the second chapter a repost of the first? As thematically appropriate as that is, I haven’t seen a difference between them to be able to understand why. Still hilarious though, as always.
Am-E the Android chapter 1 . 5/12
Wow! I did not expect such a great 1st chapter! I loved how you did the checks. It's somewhat like Chara is narrating, and the soul that's being checked is narrating. While there are little errors here and there, this is very nice! I do hope to see more about this, and why Frisk is nervous. The comedy is on point, and I enjoy the characters in this! Thanks for not making Sans super edgy!
