Reviews for When The Abyss Stares Back
Rogue Reader chapter 8 . 7/23
Is there a Mia's Cafe? America's best cinnamon rolls sponsored by Captain America himself. Great chapter!
Cassie-011 chapter 7 . 7/21
oh I like this! is it hydra following Bucky who is following her or is it sam and or Steve?
Rogue Reader chapter 7 . 7/13
I wonder who is in the older it Sam Wilson? Or Hydra?
EirlysLavellan chapter 6 . 7/8
Sam Wilson you sneaky little derp! I love how you've integrated him in here even briefly...I'm curious how he and Steve are gonna play into your story overall especially after going back and reading your summary and seeing that you're not necessarily following the MCU - which I'm actually reallllllly excited for!

As promised in my long strain of reviews this one will kinda encompass my overall feelings and boy lemme tell ya, I'm really, really hooked. I love Emmaliene as a character so far - though I definitely want to see how you build up her character. She's relatable and honestly just kick ass and I love that!

Your fight scenes are INCREDIBLE! I struggle a lot writing fighting sequences, but yours are so well done and honestly so thoroughly refreshing to read! I've got suspicions as to the Italian family you've introduced earlier in the story, but I'll hold those suspicions until much later just because I wanna see what you're planning with them exactly, but I do assume that that is who Emmaliene had called considering how close they were to her in earlier chapters!

“Minor?” She scoffed, “HYDRA is now the poster child for ‘most epic failures of all time’. When people say ‘go big or go home’…You are the example of ‘go big’.” The SASS!

"You don't try to kill me. I don't try to kill you. Deal?"

I just hnnnngggg! I can't get enough and I'm just so dang excited holy CRAP! I genuinely can't wait to see where you take us along on this crazy ride and I do hope you update again soon because I'm hooked!

BTW I hope you're feeling better after your surgery!

-Eirlys! :)
EirlysLavellan chapter 5 . 7/8
I genuinely think this chapter is my favorite! We really get to see how they interact with one another and I think that's fantastic - you can already see the chemistry between them even if it's tentative at the moment.

I honestly have to say that I like that I can't predict where you're going with this story as far as the history behind Emmaliene - not that I SHOULD be able to do so yet as we're still in the beginning of the story and still learning about who Emmaliene is as a character. But geeze! Poor Emmaliene! I can't imagine having continuous fainting spells and not knowing where they come from.

And the cliffhanger...ooof! I really am loving this story and I can't wait to see where you take us!
EirlysLavellan chapter 4 . 7/8
Our first glimpse on Bucky and holy cow! You've done such a great job in personifying him and the way his mind works as he tries to navigate the world after everything that he's gone through! It was so nice to see this different side to the story! And with him saving Marjorie was truly *chef kiss*

It's official, I like Emmaliene - to be completely honest I was on the fence a little bit initially, but I genuinely like how caring she is and I'm glad we get to see her struggling a bit with her identity and emotions here. I could only imagine having so many things uncovered about a loved one and someone that's been trusted for so long to have it come crashing down and you've done such an incredible job showcasing that doubt! It really makes her relatable :)

And the doubt is there once again and I love it! I'm so glad you've made Bucky hypervigilant of her skill because it would be odd for any other person to easily toss him even with training!

And I hope you feel better soon!
EirlysLavellan chapter 3 . 7/8
Rumlow is and always will be a creep, there's no mistaking that at all and while Emmaliene agrees to the dinner date, I'm glad to see that even she seems uncomfortable with it despite having a kinda "what's the worst that could happen attitude" - which, not for nothing, as an introvert in real life makes me wish I could be like her in that endeavor.

Her kindness here as well is really telling as to the kind of OC Emmaliene is shaping out to be and that makes me so happy. Marjorie is precious and her interactions with Emmaliene is just amazing. I'm genuinely curious as to where you're bringing her character and how your developing it. I know in my own story I have my OC as a mutant so I'm curious if you're taking that route OR if she's technically an unknown asset to HYDRA in an identical way Bucky is.

Your story really has caught my interest and I'm genuinely curious as to how you're planning on developing her!
EirlysLavellan chapter 2 . 7/8 favorite part of this chapter is this innocent side to Pierce. We KNOW as an audience how calculating he can be, but to see a lighter perception of him is definitely a treat! And I actually really like how you've characterized Emmaliene so far and keeping her separate to what is happening with HYDRA and SHIELD - it makes her feel really authentic and real - especially given that she has her own job.

I did a little cheer when she threw Rumlow. He definitely deserved it (I'm biased *shrugs*), lol. So far you're turning out an incredible story, truly! Also, I'm sorry for these reviews being so short, but like I said in your prologue review I reallllly want to give each chapter my attention and the attention it deserves!
EirlysLavellan chapter 1 . 7/8
Okay, so I'm going to go chapter by chapter mostly because I've read your story a few times and definitely believe that you a) deserve more reviews and b) the way you've written this is incredible.

I like the tone that you started this story out with - it's different and and edgy and I really like it! Like I said, I'm going to take this chapter by chapter because each chapter truly deserves it's own commentary (and you deserve the reviews). I really do enjoy how you're already setting us up to have our hearts broken (I promise that's not sarcasm at all!) because Bucky's story in general is tragic and I think by giving us this insight into Emmaliene before the beginning of the story is truly a work of genius!
tuckerjnp1 chapter 6 . 7/5
Another great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Rogue Reader chapter 6 . 7/4
Great chapter!
tuckerjnp1 chapter 5 . 7/1
Another great chapter. Till next time.
tuckerjnp1 chapter 3 . 6/1
I found your story today. I like what I am reading, and cant wait to read what happens next.