Reviews for Annie's Story
UXPn7 chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Veri n1c3VNpst0riEL
Valyrian chapter 2 . 2/9/2006
great story

tell me of updates

i love the replica series!

mira-felton chapter 4 . 6/17/2004
this is really good! i love it! i adore the replica books, but im horrible at writing about it...LOL next chappie plz!
Pixie Child chapter 4 . 4/10/2004
Pixie Child chapter 1 . 4/10/2004
I liked it. Fits Annie wonderfuly. Other then the bit about the twin, it was perfect!
Pravee chapter 4 . 4/9/2004
I find it interesting so far.
CronoMaster chapter 4 . 8/20/2003
I've read all the replica books. this is pretty good, although it doesn't feel like a replica story. try to make it more realistic, too.(kids don't ditch their parents at 11, thats ridicolus, there are other things, like vows that are a bit silly. )Still, this is quite good. keep going.

karmakaze chapter 4 . 7/13/2003
This is interesting, but maybe explain later how Annie got in with those awful Nazi people. Other than that, good chap!
karmakaze chapter 3 . 7/1/2003
Please update! Since this is an Annie fic, you'll need to show when she gets involved with those neo-Nazis, and when she goes bad, and discovers her genetic roots. Still, this is really a good fic, and I can't wait for the next chapter. I can't believe that I'm the only one reviewing this. Neither fair nor reasonable.
karmakaze chapter 2 . 5/27/2003
I like this story a lot! I understand what you mean about Alesha now. Although Annie's parents were supposed to be snobs who didn't like anyone who didn't live up to their standards, I suppose maybe you could say that love for their children made them keep Alesha. You could also have her be their natural daughter, and have Annie adopted, or have Alesha from a nice family so they'd feel proud to have her. I hope Annie wins!
karmakaze chapter 1 . 5/25/2003
It's a good story, but someone just wrote an Annie POV story. However, this one isn't really similar, so it's good. However, Alesha would have to have been one of the Amys. There are thirteen Amys, and Number Thirteen, (Aly) was the only defect. If Annie's a clone, she couldn't have really been a twin, unless you made Alesha like, Number Fourteen or something. Anyway, it needs explanation, but for the most part it's good. Please continue!