Reviews for The Ties That Bind
TithaJaime chapter 25 . 8/7
I really love this chapter. the interaction between all members of the large family was perfect.
Guest chapter 25 . 8/2
I thought this story had ended perfectly with the last chapter. But it’s nice to see all the families enjoying a warm day I suppose.
MohawkWoman chapter 25 . 8/3
I remember those hot, sticky summer days in Upstate NY. Ugh! I don't miss them, or the flies, knats and mosquitoes. Looks like the boys had a good time at the party the night before! I laughed at the part about the three of them singing! LOL! I don't know which was cuter, that or the three of them hung over the next morning. Good thing Pru had Cora wake up Nathaniel too! She would have seen more of her brother than she wanted too! Loved the way she posed her suggestion too! And the way Alice woke Uncas up was adorable!

The lakeside picnic was a splendid idea. Loved how Sampson and Chingachgook gave up on fishing with the noisy arrival of the kids. They all had so much fun! And Rebekah was so proud of herself! She enjoyed a well earned accomplishment, all with the loving support of her family around her. So sweet how they all the siblings and cousins care so deeply for each other. And even though they are only seven years old, the relationship between Matto and Iris appears to be heading in an interesting direction. Uncas and Alice seem unsure of it, leaning toward not liking it. While I understand how they feel, the truth is Matto and Iris are not blood related, so there is nothing to hold them back later on if they decide to become romantically involved.

I have enjoyed this story so much, and I will miss everyone. That's why I am so glad there is a plan for a sequel. You've set things up nicely for a continuation of this story, set when the children are no doubt older. The conversation between Elijah and Ash hinted at Ash finding a woman the same way their Uncle Nathaniel found their Aunt Cora, in battle. I have a feeling I know what future you might have planned for Ash, and perhaps Elijah too? Perhaps in the Continental Army? And Matto and Iris could have their own adventure ahead of them if he does indeed accompany her to see the ocean. Oh how I am already looking forward to the sequel! Thank you so much for taking us on this wonderful adventure, and introducing us to Nathaniel's extended family! You painted a beautiful tapestry full of love, laughter and tears that I will no doubt read over and over again. Bravo!
BrynnaRaven chapter 25 . 8/3
Whoa and just like that it’s over. Had to laugh at Prudence making Cora wake up Nathaniel, “my eyes would burn out of their sockets” haha! Spoken like a true sister. I felt kind of like this story REALLY got started at the lake, so it seems fitting for it to end there. Interesting concept with Matto and Iris, and I’d be interested to see where that goes in the future. *Technically* they are cousins, so one might reel back at the idea of any romantic inclination, but in truth there is no blood relation between them. Regardless of that aspect it would be fun to see where life’s adventures take them later. I just love where this entire family has ended up after all their tribulations; and the way they’ve stayed together to love and support each other and passed all of that on to their children. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with us!
ELY72 chapter 25 . 8/2
Another wonderful chapter could not have been the end of your story ... I really liked everything ... this big extended family of Lotm .. and the words of Uncas .. one soul one love one life ... I think that they are the right words to describe the bond between him and Alice ... And now this magical bond also seems to exist between Matto and Iris ... I don't know what to say except that I already miss them all ! I wish you would let us know what will happen to all of them ... You are a fantastic writer and we need your stories!
AsterLaurel chapter 25 . 8/2
So it’s the end of this story with our extended LOTM family and I’m going to miss it a lot! I would enjoy a sequel (that you hinted at) that shows the children such as Iris and Matto and the others as young adults and their adventures. I’ll admit that it might take me a bit to get used to the idea that they are going to be together in the future because technically they are cousins (not biologically but adoptive) and raised that way but it’s your story and it’ll be very interesting to see what happens. One of the things I liked the most about your story was how you expanded Nathaniel’s background and gave him/Cora and his sister starring roles. There’s not a lot of Nathaniel/Cora stories out there so I was thrilled when this was posted and have enjoyed following along. You created a warm and lovely family dynamic here and made it easy to picture. Thank you!
BlueSaffire chapter 25 . 8/2
So somehow, my last review lost a few phrases when I posted it! Sorry about that.

What it should have said was: Highs and lows and laughter and love and joy-all the things of life. Thank YOU for sharing and for riding it out through to its conclusion!
BlueSaffire chapter 25 . 8/2
Your unique story with its original characters and different take on Nathaniel's backstory has come to an end. You've taken us on quite a journey! Highs and lows and laughter and love and joy-all the things of YOU for sharing and for riding it out through to its conclusion! Well done! Looking forward to more, especially the story of Iris and Matto about which you've hinted. There really is something special about those two.
Eilan21 chapter 24 . 7/30
What a perfect picture of family ties and happiness you draw! I'm so glad all of our couples are serene with their children and I though great you gave to every one of them their own personality. This time jum was perfect to show how they grew and how they became... I found particularly moving the relationship between Chingachgook and Matto. Beautiful chapter!
MohawkWoman chapter 24 . 7/29
You chose the perfect time to move this story ahead. And you also chose a wonderful scene to open it with. How often Chingachgook must have dreamed of a moment like this. And how he must have despaired that long ago day on the cliff, and the journey to Sampson's farm that followed, that he would ever have this moment with his blood grandson. Matto's Mohican blood is strong. He is truly one with nature, and never happier than when he's part of it.

And so many children! Nathaniel and Cora with twins no less! And two more besides! I laughed when I read Pru and Martin's rendezvous in the pantry! Any port in a storm I always say! Little Lydia is growing into a lovely young women, who shares a very special bond with Matto. I'm interested in seeing where their relationship goes. Keme is adorable, as is tiny Winnie! Uncas and Alice are truly blessed. I loved the tender private moment they shared at their cabin with the baby. So beautifully done! And it sounds like they have their hands full with their two sons! So sweet! I love how the family celebrates the day the Mohicans and the Munro sisters arrived at the farm. This years celebration was a perfect way to honor that day, with the two family elders telling stories by the bonfire. I felt like I was there with them. Thank you for another wonderful, spellbinding chapter! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us next.
MohawkWoman chapter 23 . 7/29
What an amazingly beautiful chapter! Another year has passed. Everyone is remembering where they were this time 12 months ago, and over all that occurred since then, bringing them to where they are now. I love how you opened with Nathaniel and Uncas hunting, just as the movie opened. Their bond as brothers is so strong. Shared blood could not make it stronger. Prudence and Martin shared a tender scene. I'm glad she is allowing herself to be honest with herself and everyone else. Not feeling like she has to be stronger than she physically is. And Cora and Alice shared a lovely moment alone together. Yes, Alice. You have a beautiful and brave husband, as does Cora. A year ago they never imagined living as they are now. And they wouldn't have it any other way. No fancy mansion or proper English husband could ever fulfill them the way their simple cabins and Mohican husbands do. They are not married and doing what is expected of them. They are married and in love, freely doing what they want to do without judgement being cast upon them.

The celebratory evening dinner was perfect! Just what they all needed. And the food fight! I laughed when Alice ducked down behind Uncas and used her husband as a shield! XD And Sampson made me laugh. "Ah, supper and entertainment!" XD And the kids wondering what the heck got into the grownups! If only they had a smartphone to record the moment for posterity! XD

And finally, Chingachgook's musings. Yes, they were wasting food. But it was table scrapes. And he saw the joy it brought them to share this moment together. And it brought him a feeling of peace he'd long forgotten. He knew how much they all could have lost over the past year. You said it well in that final paragraph. And what a fitting way to end this wonderful chapter. Bravo! Well done! Keep up the good work!
Conbird chapter 24 . 7/27
I love the time jump in this chapter, I’m always curious to see where characters end up once stories end. That being said you did such a sweet ending that I actually thought the story was done. So glad there is more to come.
TithaJaime chapter 22 . 7/27
How exciting news! Cora and Nathaniel will have a baby :)
BlueSaffire chapter 24 . 7/27
I was surprised that your story moved ahead 7 years; an interesting choice to make that increases my curiosity about where you're taking us next! Your opening scene blew me away! Absolute perfection with Chingachgook and Matto. Your descriptions of nature are always so strong and create such a visual picture for me. I was a little worried when Matto was a baby and how restless and agitated he always seemed but I see now that his restlessness is more like that of a creature of the wild, a child who is more at home in nature than enclosed within four man-made walls. The beautiful moment between Iris and Matto gave him the opportunity to calm her. You really show the special bond they have and I would be love to see where it goes as they grow up.

And Cora and Nathaniel with 4 kids! Yikes! I noticed that Cora called Prudence "sister." Shows how close they've all become over the years. Can I say that Ash is a sweetheart?! You could write a story with him as the main character; I'm very curious about his future, too.

Alice and Uncas have 3 themselves! I really like their children's names that hold deeper meanings. Again, you could definitely continue writing the children's lives as they grow up and go out into the world.

I'm so happy Sampson is still around and sharing his brilliant storytelling skills! And happy to see Prudence fully recovered and she and Martin doing "so well!"
ELY72 chapter 24 . 7/26
As always a beautiful chapter! This time jump is perfect ... I am happy for all these children who have brought joy in everyone's lives and have thus formed one big family ... I love seeing Alice and Uncas so happy ... I've never hidden that they are my favorite couple ... It's nice to see how the passion between Prudence and Martin is always so alive ... I should go on and on with the things I love about this chapter including of course the final scene ... with all the families together in front of the bonfire ... another chapter that really conquered me! You did another fantastic job! Thank you for the passion that you put in each chapter!
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