Reviews for Pursuing the Proposition
grandmachix chapter 14 . 1m
Oh, no! Did Liam post the video?
grandmachix chapter 13 . 28m
I'm not sure what clue you left, but the first time their lips touch, the Proposition is ended. When they make love in their room, I don't know if Bella turned the camera on, but this one won't make it to the internet.
grandmachix chapter 12 . 57m
Formal time! Edward and Bella won't be able to hide their feelings for each other. I don't know if they will continue the Proposition for money, but I doubt the sex will stop.
grandmachix chapter 11 . 1h
They managed a short video at the carnival. Can they lengthen it on the deserted road? Edward's parents will be there next week and graduation is on Thursday. Can they sneak in a video then?
grandmachix chapter 10 . 1h
They are making a lot of money. But, the money isn't the focus when they come together. The rules are definitely skewing sideways. Will Rose be able to identify her futon if she sees this?
grandmachix chapter 9 . 2h
Bella's feeling it, too. The changes in their relationship. If they agree that it's okay to change that rule, it's all good. If they agree.
grandmachix chapter 8 . 2h
Once a week. Right! I think they like it a lot. And not just for the money.
grandmachix chapter 7 . 2h
They did it! A bit drunk, and some off and on camera, but it just needs to be edited. They should be careful not to show rings or watches or any jewelry that could identify them.
grandmachix chapter 6 . 3h
The agreement is made. The contract written. On Thursday, it will be signed and they will make their first video.
grandmachix chapter 5 . 3h
They just can't show their faces on camera. Easy, right?
grandmachix chapter 4 . 4h
That's where the contract comes in. Will they actually have sex on camera for money?
debslmac chapter 14 . 7h
acw1 chapter 14 . 7h
SunflowerFran chapter 14 . 7h
Oh, no!
ChristyWIX chapter 14 . 8h
Well, you did write that you cannot see anything in that recording, just their faces and how they truly feel for one another is written all over them. You definitely know they are having sex. Considering the recordings they’ve made, it could be soooooo much worse. At least I think so anyway. Hopefully, it went to just the group text and NOT everyone in her phone contacts. Although, I’ve had a smart phone since they first came into existence and even I don’t know how to do that trick. We’ll see in your next chapter. Love, love, love that they told each other how they feel about each other. Edward saying he’ll never stop falling in love with her, and in the context they were in, had to have been one of my most favorite lines I’ve ever read. Not just in fanfiction either. That was such a great mood, context and wording.
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