Reviews for Red Head Redemption
stevem1 chapter 1 . 10/20
God, poor Harry. Basilisks, dementors and dark lords are nothing compared to a high maintenance girlfriend.
Mad Mav chapter 1 . 9/22
Fucking hilarious you inbred cunt. Glad screwing around with trickery and lies is funny and amusing to you, I pity any other pairing both in stories and real life that you decide to get involved with.
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 1 . 7/24
This was cute. Funny and cute with a good ending.
reader0007 chapter 1 . 5/31
kekekek,this story come out after haphne ship itself sunk in hpitt.
Charlee56 chapter 1 . 5/28
Harry is so SCREWED!
Dumby95 chapter 1 . 5/28
that was fun
Wogennie chapter 1 . 5/24
That was great. Maybe I should join the Discord. Sounds like a fun place.
Love this writing too.
Can't wait for the next chapter of the main title.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24
Salient, I'm gonna be real I didn't even read this fic. I just wanted to request you please update ITT today, I need my fix lmao
Sangine chapter 1 . 5/24
You might want to put on a firefighting suit for the comment section... that man-logic may seem sensible but might be a little incendiary.

Have fun!
MagicSilver7081 chapter 1 . 5/24
This is priceless. Harry is totally doomed as he did not remember their anniversary. Interesting concept too, I never read Daphne with red hair before, although this is dyed and her natural hair is still blonde. But this is a fresh concept and good take into their relationship as a short story.
Scandalf chapter 1 . 5/24

Also, WHY is it that redheads are so beautiful when they are angry? It's like one of the mysteries of life cuz everyone has a different answer.
NonsensicalRants chapter 1 . 5/24
Cute story, but waaaaay more verbose than it needed to be
But considering who I'm speaking too that's hardly a surprise. And your beta readers did an excellent job.
Rodrick chapter 1 . 5/24
Lol that was really funny. Even the logic or illogical arguments were well done.
prince of the seas chapter 1 . 5/24
Freudentraene chapter 1 . 5/23
That was fun xD
I could understand Harry very well. In most stories, Daphne is blonde and sometimes black-haired, but I've never read a story where she had red hair. Good for him that the hair is only dyed and that his children will not have red hair. I think I like a blonde or black-haired Daphne more than a red-haired one. But that was a very funny story in the early morning and I chuckled a lot. Thank you for that!
I just notice that I've never thought about hair so much before xD
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