Reviews for Work Smarter, Not Harder
Guest chapter 9 . 7/26
I Will choose serena just for the evulz, i wanna ser how you make It work, dame thing with wolbach through i know Wiz Will win AND that's still a close second
scorpioneldar chapter 9 . 7/21
Honestly this may be kinda a poor ending for him specifically but I find it funny as hell and also far more likely than any of the other outcomes including your version of Pervzuma.
I feel like your Pervzuma was the worst ending by far.
I might have liked a grown up Iris route but meh.
money can't buy happiness is almost a must have at this point. I want Wiz to be happy
no real interst in cris/eris but then I had no real intrest in Aqua either
what is it with this series and their mediocre goddesses. He asked almost daring the universe to start a fight.
Friendship has its benifits could be cute but I have a hard time seeing it happen.
Benthino chapter 9 . 7/19
Dust2020 chapter 9 . 7/17
Cecily porque no.
KonosubaFan64 chapter 9 . 7/15
My vote is Wolbach.
This tragic character needs some love. Besides the 3 main girls she has technically interacted with Kazuma the most (as chomusuke).
Firelord chapter 9 . 7/14
I know I voted for Chris, but it just occured to me that in the Wiz ending, they would both be immortal, so they wouldn't see Eris at the end. And even if they did die, they'd go to that weird river place.
Itachidono chapter 9 . 7/14
Gotta go with Wiz on this one she's awesome and if you do another after then definitely Eris
Guest chapter 9 . 7/13
Chris/Eris sounds like a fun route to me, I just powered through the chapters in 2 hours and loved it.
vanhellsing9000 chapter 9 . 7/13
That was brilliant i especially loved the Darkness story i would love to have a woman just like her as for the next chapter how about a Kazuma/Luna and i would definitely love to read a Kazuma/Wiz anyboo keep up with the fantastic work
Hecabou chapter 9 . 7/13
Me gusta ser retorcido e innovador para votar por una ruta con Cecily, la sacerdotisa del Eje.
Carybo chapter 9 . 7/13
I saw a comment so also a route with Priestess Cecily
Kami no Kage chapter 9 . 7/11
That was indeed depressing. That little bit at the end with Eris especially.

I have to give my vote to... Yunyun. I'd also really like to see Wiz get a chapter because I adore Wiz, and Eris would be fantastic too, but if I'm going off of the rest of the story then I think I'd really like to see more of your Yunyun.
n7laegion chapter 9 . 7/10
Let's see how this goes, with the bijin priestess Cecily
Kami no Kage chapter 2 . 7/10
Ah, so that's how this is going. Are you posting on questionable questing too? It would be much more fun to do a story like this in the questing section over there.

As for the chapter that was uh, brutally realistic haha.
Tabasc0 chapter 9 . 7/10
I'm tempted to vote Yunyun, but since that looks like she'll be a lead in Hero of Belzerg I'll go with Wiz.

Liches need love too, especially the ones as nice as her.
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