Reviews for Goddess of War
Daddi chapter 3 . 16h
Thanks for the chapter!
Daddi chapter 2 . 17h
Thanks for the chapter!
Daddi chapter 2 . 17h
At that moment, we were learning how to show shuriken-throw shuriken
Daddi chapter 1 . 17h
Also says breathing is level 100 at the end of the chapter, while in the stat screen a bit above it it still only has the 7.2, wouldn't it be 10? Sorry if it sounds naggy
Daddi chapter 1 . 17h
For Wis it says 49.1 (410.1), but wouldn't 410.1 be 41.1?
Thanks for the chapter!
aLazyBird chapter 3 . 7/26
Incredible story can’t wait for more chapters!
Noahbadoah chapter 3 . 7/13
I’m not sure what it is about how you write this but it takes up SO much time, and yet you don’t even realize it till you’re done. With how it’s written, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were fifty chapters and I could sit down and read till the sun set without even realizing. I love the style, but I don’t know why it’s like that. Also the story is amazing too, but the style is what sets it apart.
bimboom chapter 1 . 7/1
more more more
bimboom chapter 2 . 7/1
more more
bimboom chapter 3 . 7/1
xxANIES chapter 3 . 6/21
Really looking forward to this! I’ve been looking for a gamer fic where the MC is placed in Kirigakure. I applaud how you make her put effort into leveling; so many gamer fics just grant powers without having the MC work for it. I do wonder how she’s going to interact with the main players (characters) in Kiri later on, namely Zabuza, Kisame, Yagura, etc. Though, I’m fairly surprised that MC isn’t facing issues regarding her identity; reincarnation is a tricky process—this being of who she is now versus who she was before. It’s a nice change from the usually heavy fics I read in which the MC struggles largely with their identity combined with touches of angst, but I do wonder how she’s learned to cope with reincarnation. Does she remember anything from her old world besides various concepts and narutoverse plot lines? What about her previous family—she doesn’t really seem to focus on it. This could just be her character of course, but what is a good MC without a little internal conflict? I’d think she’d feel some sort of way about her new identity versus her old one. Anyways—great story! Thank you for publishing and I’ll be waiting diligently for the next update.
carsonforgeel chapter 3 . 6/10
Don’t stop keep it going
osterreicher97 chapter 3 . 6/7
Huh... fascinating, so she is in Mei Terumi's class? Well, Izumi certainly won't have to worry too much about the bloodline stuff considering that the Terumis lead the pro bloodline faction, and Mei has the potential to become a kage like in canon so...
SalemTheSpeakerOfTruth chapter 2 . 6/7
The reason why we have "peace" on Earth is because of fear of nuclear annihilation, and that those in power realized you could control people through the use of media propaganda and threat of starvation via cutting off of trade, rather than just stomping them with the boot.
It's no less cruel-spirited and domineering than at any other point in history.
legendaryNOT chapter 3 . 6/7
Did she not practise with the sword? Why is the weapon handling only at level 1?
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