Reviews for Operation: Blackmail R(uby)
AzraelSaint chapter 1 . 7/30
ARGH! NO! cmon whats in the box I wanna see I wanna see
poetrymagic12 chapter 1 . 6/15
I just read this and forgot to leave a review. I'm so sorry.

I love Lancaster. So this story was cute! Jaune and Ruby have something special.

Ruby loves would have been funnier if Ruby seduced him for the cookie jar than just taken it from him. That's just me though.

Can't wait to read more! Update soon!
The Almighty Cross chapter 1 . 5/30
So, just to summarize: Jaune gifted Ruby a cookie jar, who has been eating nothing but cookies to the point she does it while they're in bed, guilt trips Jaune into letting her basically eat nothing but cookies, and in response Jaune decides to do some shady shit to try and get her to stop, under the advice from a person who's entire plan from the previous story basically backfired on them, something that Jaune knows for a fact was a bad idea to begin with, instead of seriously putting his foot down and just talking with Ruby like an adult about the whole situation?

We're veering into idiot plot territory at this point, and I'm honest to God curious as to how this house of cards comes crashing down.
Riggy Minus chapter 1 . 5/30
Oh dear, you should know better than to listen to Neptune, Jaune.
THE L0NE WANDERER chapter 1 . 5/30
An interesting premise for a conclusion to a funny story. I wonder if Tai has war stories to tell Jaune, because I can see team STRQ having a similar chain of events as Blackmail RWBY. I look forward to seeing where this goes, and hope Ren’s pelvis has made a full recovery and the poor man gets some help.
Crusada de Lata chapter 1 . 5/30
Interesting to say the least. Would like to see where you take this
SomberFlight chapter 1 . 5/30
"Rose Bottom?" This... feels NTR, somehow, yeah no.