Reviews for 999 Miles to Go
Blue Quartz chapter 1 . 5/27/2003
Finaly1 I was unable to review it last night because Fanfiction. net was acting up on me and wouldn't let me submit a review! Anyway enought of my complanints. I really, really, like this fic! It is so cute and is a rarity to find a fic about Ayame and Yuki and them spending "Quality Time" togehter. I believe that you wrote this very well with a lot of grace and insight as to keeping both Ayame and Yuki in character, and for that I thank you for writting an excelent fic. Please write more soon. Peace _
Rei chapter 1 . 5/27/2003
_ YAY! This was great! I remember I read...something by you. A Digimon thingy. I cant remember what it was called, but while I was looking for ficcies to feed my newfound obsession, I clickied on yours because I recognized your name, and I remembered that ficcy! It was so good, but this one was even better! It was hilarious, sweet too. The only criticism I have is just a little thing of mine, nothing to do with your writing. I HATE the word indeed. Its EVIL. And thats your ending. Still, thats my problem. This was a fabulous fic! I loved it! May you write much more!
qkslvr chapter 1 . 5/27/2003
Nice! I really like it! Hope you make more...
raven maxwell chapter 1 . 5/27/2003
aw... why does this story have no reviews? it's so sweet *-* i love it! especially when they were compromising at the end of it... dah! _ well done.
alena chapter 1 . 5/26/2003
Nice :) Hope you make another chapter!
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