Reviews for Ropes
fencer29 chapter 9 . 7/22
I'm sure that one of the other girls could lend Momo a yukata (it wouldn't be a lie to say that she has no kimonos informal enough to be considered appropriate for a summer festival - even back in her prior life she may not have had anything less formal than a furisode).

Or she could simply take a chance on the Japanese economy collapsing because she used her quirk to make a simple yukata for herself.
Dany1505 chapter 9 . 7/22
OMG i'm SO excited for the festival, and see Momo and Eri interacting, I bet it'll be super cute
Stay-ruthless chapter 8 . 7/17
Please continue it’s a good read love you babe
fencer29 chapter 8 . 7/11
Only someone who had been posting a new chapter every other day would consider nine days "a delay". Don't be so hard on yourself.

Aizawa said no firearms - he didn't say anything about other pyrotechnics.
fencer29 chapter 7 . 7/2
Don't worry about taking your time. Unless someone is actually paying you to write the only schedule you really need to worry about would be whatever one you set for yourself, and sometimes life has a way of interfering with those.
fencer29 chapter 6 . 6/25
So how long until her classmates notice differences in Yaoyorozu's behavior? I'm guessing that Aizawa has already begun to notice small signs, although perhaps nothing yet which he can't attribute to either alcohol or injury.
why chapter 5 . 6/22
more, now, your writing is too good you famn nerd
fencer29 chapter 5 . 6/23
"I should have expelled them the first day" has probably Aizawa's first thought of the morning every day for the last couple of years.
fencer29 chapter 4 . 6/19
Nice job separating the different sections this time (not that there was a whole lot that needed to be separated this time, outside perhaps of your note at the bottom). It does make the story easier to follow.
fencer29 chapter 3 . 6/18
I'll try not to get too hung up on minor grammar (especially since I get the feeling that that English may not be your first language), however I did notice a couple of things which you may want to pay attention to in the future:

Be careful about shifting from third person (Momo/she/her) to first person (I/me/my). For the most part you've been been writing in third person, but right in the middle of first scene of this chapter you suddenly shifted to first.

It would also help to have a transition when jumping from one scene to another. You did this with the first change in scenes (jumping from Momo inside Aizawa's room to the staff meeting three days previously), but you skipped right over the second one (jumping from the aftermath of the staff meeting to Aizawa sitting in his room, noticing that the students have lit a bonfire). I also wouldn't rely on a blank line as a separator (I suspect this site may strip those blank lines out automatically).

Moving back to the story itself, it's good that Momo noticed the steaming mug, even if she was a bit slow to pick up on what it implied. However she should have at least thought to have prepared that camera in advance. Both failings can probably be blamed on a combination of alcohol and exhaustion, however Aizawa may still end up chiding her for being so woefully prepared (by now she should realize that advanced preparation can buy her the time she needs to respond when a situation suddenly takes a turn for the worse).

I also suspect that they are about to have an interesting (and revealing) conversation in the next chapter - unless of course Aizawa decides that Momo is too drunk to provide valid answers (in which case he may simple send his her back to her room, with instructions to come see him after class the next day).
fencer29 chapter 2 . 6/17
A traditional event held by seniors every year since the dorms were instated? That was only two years ago (not that Kaminari has ever been one to allow facts to interfere with his reasoning)

The bet is that Yaoyorozu can sneak in and take a picture of Aizawa's room. It doesn't say anything about her needing to escape afterward.