Reviews for Eight Letters to Change Their Life
heartoflothian51 chapter 18 . 8/2
This is a really great story. Thanks for writing.
bamadude chapter 18 . 7/30
Well, what can I except it was such a great chapter and story. Great speech by Lucas he turned out to be a smart and handsome kid. I can't wait to read your next story.
bamadude chapter 17 . 7/27
Well now, Lucas and Marie making out. Sheldon probably went ballistic. Penny and Amy weren't too happy either. Funny that Leonard was the gentle voice of reason. Another great chapter, can't wait to read Chapter 18.
bamadude chapter 16 . 7/26
Well, nice father/son talk. Hopefully the message will sink through. Seems like Lucas is a good kid and listens to mom and dad.
bamadude chapter 15 . 7/25
So, they are moving to a new house. Lucas is growing up a d so smart and handsome. After 25 years, Penny asked him again "Do you wanna". Makes perfect sense to me. Great chapter as usual.
bamadude chapter 14 . 7/23
Nice chapter. Lucas is growing up and being adorable. Hopefully school will be a good experience for him.
Warriorcreed chapter 13 . 7/22
The first scene in this chapter with Penny being the one so excited for Lucas’s birthday that she got up early and then Leonard overhearing her telling Lucas how happy she is to have him is really adorable. Penny has really changed from when she first found out she was pregnant to a loving mother and parent to their baby, I’m not surprised how better Leonard told her his life is now because he now has the family he dreamed of with a wife who loves her new family as much as him, too. Quite a change now from when the guys and just Penny use to get together for takeout to now their families getting together with all their kids, who would have thought the guys would have wound up married to such wonderful women and have families.
bamadude chapter 13 . 7/21
Well, Leonard's padawan is one year old. Amy with twins. I guess Lenny was fortunate to only having Lucas and Raj has none. Great chapter.
Warriorcreed chapter 12 . 7/21
Amy is pregnant with twins, that is sure a new twist in this story, I expect she will be depending on her bestie for advice as she moves further along with that pregnancy. Penny’s describing Lucas as a pretty ‘chill’ baby either says a lot for their parenting skills or might hint at that Lucas is very intelligent and is able to observe and take in more of his surroundings allowing his brain to analyze everything in a much more advanced way than a normal baby his age, we’ll have to see. I was just thinking, it would be funny if Lucas turned out to be a handsome genius and Amy’s twins turned out to be two girly girls, like their aunt Penny, who both grew up having crushes on Lucas.
bamadude chapter 12 . 7/20
Well, that was interesting indeed. Amy pregnant with twins! Mary has to be thrilled. Can't wait o read more.
Warriorcreed chapter 11 . 7/19
Well it appears Penny did well during her time of sole parenting after Leonard went back to work, I expect her and Lucas really bonded with her being with him all day. That makes me wonder how she will adjust to getting back to work, I know she said she can’t wait but will she feel the same way after being separated from Lucas for most of the day, it will interesting to read what happens.
Warriorcreed chapter 10 . 7/19
I can really see Leonard being the one more confident with the baby than Penny, at least at first, and I could see Penny talking to Lucas like that the first time she was left alone with him, it just seems so in character for her to act that way. You sort of hinted in the last chapter that Sheldon was observing and thinking about what he saw when him and Amy visited Penny and Lucas in the hospital. So, it didn’t come as too much of a surprise that he wanted to talk to Penny about him and Amy having a child and him wondering how Penny felt now that Lucas was there. With all his intelligence, Sheldon always seems to go Penny when he has real world problems he can’t understand. I’m curious now what will happen when Sheldon and Amy talk and how Penny will do when left alone with Lucas all day, after Leonard starts back to work.
Warriorcreed chapter 9 . 7/19
Well that birth went well, they had enough warning that Penny’s parents could be there and they could allow their friends to come just before the baby came. Penny seems extremely happy with her baby, even proud of him, I think the mother genes are now in full activation in Penny since Lucas is now here with her. Sheldon was actually civilized too, during his and Amy’s visit, so everything seems to be going good now for the Hofstadter family.
Warriorcreed chapter 8 . 7/19
I can really see Leonard being concerned that he won’t be a good dad, his own father wasn’t a very good role model with him being off on expeditions all the time. Also, Beverly screwed him up a lot so it has to be scary for him to think that maybe some of the work Beverly did on him may rub off on how he treats his son. The talk him and Penny had about it was cute, they both seem to be transitioning into parents even before the baby is there which may be soon since it appears that Penny’s water broke at the end of this chapter.
Warriorcreed chapter 7 . 7/19
Beverly showing up to the shower was a surprise but her trying to influence how they raised their child was no surprise, either was her leaving a parenting book. They might have to be careful in the future when she comes to see Lucas that she doesn’t try any of her sick parenting experiments on him when they are not looking. It was nice that their friends and family showered them with gifts, it is always nice to know they care so much for you which had to make Leonard and Penny happy. Well with what they already had, and now the gifts, Leonard and Penny should only have to pick up a couple more things to have nursery ready for Lucas’s arrival.
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