Reviews for Terrified Heart
Jiinxie chapter 6 . 10/24/2011
ronandhermy chapter 6 . 5/3/2009
hmm, i like it. i think you've got oz down pat. how you continue
Celebwen Telcontar chapter 6 . 4/12/2006
Wow... please continue! Please! This is great!
Celebwen Telcontar chapter 3 . 4/11/2006
This is very good!
Writer-by-day chapter 6 . 9/3/2005
i know its been a while since you updated this one and i'm not sure if you still keep track of this account but i wanted to let you kno that i really love this fic and i wish you would update it. it was really well written and deserves a proper ending. thats all

ProfessorSpork chapter 6 . 11/4/2004
Wow. This is really well written, I really like it. I can't wait for more.
Heather chapter 6 . 1/19/2004
When Oz leaves Willow I always cry, and this was so perfect I could actually see it being turned into a spin off mini series explaining what happened while Willow was with the coven. The story is just so bitter sweet and sad, more then anything I was Oz to come back and take Willow with him. But even if you do end this story here it still works, and it still gets me all emotionally charged up.
GoddessMeLisa chapter 1 . 12/12/2003 Anyway...I cried. I am a 26 year old mother of two children, and I CRIED here. It was amazing, and talented. Do you have any originals?
Pagan chapter 6 . 8/17/2003
This Absolutley Brilliant!

The way you wrote it i could just picture everything like i was seeing a movie and how you got the characters to seem the way the did on the show was amazing. You'v got talent.

Please keep writing more stories and continue with this story.

It's my favourite out of the willow/oz stories i've read.

magickal one chapter 6 . 7/17/2003
i love your story so much!

its so good! i could picture it perfectly in my mind like a movie. please write more stories.

hugs, satine fleur
Dark N' Dreary chapter 6 . 6/27/2003
Excellent fic.! Theres more right!
AineRose chapter 6 . 5/30/2003
So sweet! Brilliant. it's going on my favourites. it's so hard to find a good Oz story!
Raw Gold chapter 6 . 5/29/2003
Brilliant story! Brilliant, brilliant story!

You madw me almost-cry, which is a rare thing indeed let me tell you that. It's -so- hard to find a decent Willow/Oz AU story on here, and this is -such- a good one.

The characterizations(sp?) are perfect. Perfect. You have Will and Oz down to a tea, my girl.

This is -so- going on my favourites list.
Cass chapter 6 . 5/28/2003
Excellent, excellent story! It's always so hard to find a well written story with good grammar and spacing an so on, on this huge site. I love your characterization of Oz and your handling of Willow's feelings and Giles' failings, you've made him human without making him unbearably stuck up or evil. Update soon!
stcobb chapter 6 . 5/28/2003
Excellent! Is it over already?
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