Reviews for 1: Saiyan Heroes of UA
Mark1 chapter 17 . 7/23
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 18 . 7/25
Is Ben and his girls gonna show up soon?
Mark1 chapter 16 . 7/22
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 17 . 7/22
You really hate Sam, huh?

Also, I feel like you need to add exclamation points to better emphasis the emotions of the characters.
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 16 . 7/21
How will Kaen come back? And will we see Stain burning in He'll and Endeavor suffering in Purgatory?
s.c.a.r.s sean chapter 16 . 7/21
Tai is going to kill Kaen again,
also are you planning one mix the two earths together?
s.c.a.r.s sean chapter 15 . 7/17
who is Velhallen Beo?
I litrealy couldn't stop myself from laughing when you bring peanut here,
also how the it going to work with two earths?
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 15 . 7/17
Oh boy, you mentioned Velhallen Beo! :D
Ultima Z chapter 14 . 7/17
It's pretty obvious at this point that you either nerfed the Dragon Ball characters or gave the MHA characters a massive power boost, because no one in MHA comes anywhere near a power level of 500 let alone 500,000. I would guess that the strongest MHA characters would be around the high 100s to low 200s at best. It's fine if you did because the Dragon Ball characters are OP especially Saiyans, I'd just like to know ahead of time in an author's note or something.
s.c.a.r.s sean chapter 14 . 7/16
I don't know who else is part of the Changeling Race, also where is king ki?
also, Katsuki knows that he going to be a dad?
and what power did Kaen transform to Carmine
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 13 . 7/14
Iida is gonna die,let me just make it clear right now.
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 12 . 7/13
I feel like Monoma, Mineta, and Kaminari died way too quickly.
s.c.a.r.s sean chapter 11 . 7/13
what wrongs does he mean too?
and short or not this story funny and interesting
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 11 . 7/12
Endeavor, you're gonna totally get decked so hard in the face, you'll have a TWITCH!

Also, loved the fight between Ben and Kaen, can't wait to see what comes next!
s.c.a.r.s sean chapter 10 . 7/9
Please tell that we about to see Goku and the gang
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