Reviews for Wayward Wolf
Guest chapter 17 . 8/24
So great to see Tywin while he isn't totally bitter and jaded.
Kraftykidd chapter 17 . 8/24
This is great and I can’t wait for more. I’m loving the possible butterflies that are already fluttering around.
Tinfoot chapter 17 . 8/22
Nice, thought this'd just be Geralt taking Jon as an apprentice or something of that sort form the title, but this is quite a nice surprise.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/22
Hmm, it seems that Gerald arival or the temporarily opened portal stirrep magic somewhat up again.
Lets hope it doesnt quicken the return of the Others.
Jon Snow chapter 17 . 8/22
Cersei needs to learn that she can't have everything in life.
xxxGmanxxx chapter 17 . 8/22
I'm a little sorry that Jaime broke up with Cersei. Although Joffrey was a bloodthirsty idiot, Myrcella and Tommen were the sweetest children.
greenhatter02 chapter 17 . 8/22
nice chapter, you portrayed Cersei very faithfully as a spoiled child who believes herself to be Visenya come again, but in reality is too arrogant and shortsighted that even Mace Tyrell could outwit

also, that line about magic becoming stronger is very interesting, for as far as i'm aware, in canon magic only became stronger when the red comet passed and when Dany's were borned, does this mean the comet is coming early? or worse, is conjunction of the spheres approaching the world of ice and fire?

In either case, Geralt was smart with pushing the plans foreward, though after the battle with Harren the Black (who hopefully is a draug, would fit very well) and his ghostly host, he'd probably be flooded with request to lift the curses on their castles that decided become more lethal.

good work dude, can't wait for the ghost smash at Harrenhal
Lord Mortensen chapter 17 . 8/22
Awesome! please update it soon!
rc48177 chapter 17 . 8/22
If there's something queer
In your county burgh
Who would one call upon?
The Witcher!
FuryJoe chapter 17 . 8/22
great story
Deadied chapter 17 . 8/22
Its good to see a rift finally forming between the lannister siblings. Good portrayal of cersei too imo. She's not one to take insults lightly and will always plot vengeance in one way or another.

And finally, it looks like harrenhal will be the next chapter. Keep it up.
Austin chapter 17 . 8/22
Ohhh boy this was an interesting chapter.
Jaime after learning under Geralt actually refuses Cersei's advances because of learning of the conservative of inbreeding or incest between siblings, and cousins of both biological, physical, and mental health.
Dodged an arrow on that one due to the fact that his son joffrey would have been a mentally unstable incest kid of a shit.

Cant wait to see how the curse breaking of harrenhal shall go.

Good luck on the next chapter, and hope It comes soon.
Guest chapter 16 . 8/22
Seven fucking hells indeed. Great fic.
rc48177 chapter 16 . 8/20
this is a great story, just binged it. Hope more is on it's way.
Amoone1 chapter 16 . 8/16
Oh my god I love it! Can’t wait for more updates.
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