Reviews for Fractured
Guest chapter 10 . 7/22
“We solved a murder?”
“While nearing getting yourself killed in the process.”
“That seems to be a common occurrence for me..”
Me : * Laughing * Yes, Alex, very much.
CF2 chapter 16 . 7/20
So,the final chapter.

Yes,Lena and Brainy

have a lot in common.

Lena is right,Kara

sees the best in everyone

especially the people

she cares about

even if they lost their

way for a bit.

Kara is also right,she

and their friends have

forgiven them,now

they need to forgive


Yay to a game night.

Great response from

Alex to Lena & Brainy

about them being


I hope Alex can

convince Kara not

to move to Argo.

Very nice scene

between Alex & Lena.

Yes,Pete is a loose end.

Kate better deal with

her father for Jacobs


Great scene with


She's a great sounding


Love how Alex texts

and Supergirl flies


Alex knows Kara.

Glad Kara is

opening up to


LOL to always beating


J'onn is so right

about Kara/Supergirl

vs Clark/Superman.

Nice callback to


Alex & Kara

need this talk.

Glad Alex told

Kara about the diner.

Also love how alike

Kara is to Alex.

Hurt your sister,make


So happy Kara is not

going to Argo.

Love this sister


Nice resolution with


I like the idea of

Kara trying to

help him find

his missing sister.

Also nice twist that

Pete figured out

Kara is Supergirl.

It shows he's

a good P.I.

LOL to him

revealing all

the ways he

could tell who

Kara is.

Also he gave

some good

advice to Alex.

I think Pete

could be a ally

to team Supergirl.

Still laugh at

him still billing


Nice wrapup.

This was a really

great story.
Fabery chapter 16 . 7/19
Happy you had Pete pointing out some of the terrible plot roles in this show. It reminded me of a fix where everyone on Catch did know but they went along with it because they loved Kara and found her excuses endearing
LisaMT chapter 16 . 7/19
Ha ha! I loved Pete's speech at the end.
SpencerFan chapter 16 . 7/19
Oh dark Alex I wish we had you on the show more. J'onn saying she should trust the team was great! By "back in the DEO days" Alex clearly means Monday because yeah she's an agent! Alex definitely has to thank Kara for some stuff because arguably without Kara and all she's brought to Alex's life Alex may not have come out because she wouldn't have met Maggie or a Maggie type or felt the support like Kara gave her to come out no matter who it was, yes Eliza was supportive would Alex have told her if she was stressed about being a perfect kid? Kara isn't totally wrong when she says Alex has more fun working with her because otherwise what would have happened - she'd probably spend her life in some lab never having the adventures she does so yeah while Kara arguably lead to the loss of Jeremiah she's also given Alex a lot too! Yes Pete tell Alex how trash that suit is - never wear it again Alex! Also ha to him calling out Kara some. :)

"The end" for now.

I look forward to the next story!
Xio chapter 16 . 7/19
Excellent story. I love when you get a new story out and this one was great
Phaerre chapter 16 . 7/19
Jennifer Baratta chapter 16 . 7/19
Outstanding chapter and continue writing stories please
LVEZ chapter 16 . 7/19
Very good ending did not like all the angst at the beginning.
DtownGurl4488 chapter 16 . 7/19
Ummm what?! How is the longest chapter (I love it) the most incomplete one?! So are we supposed to guess who Pete is and believe that the sisters would just so casually be ok with him knowing? Like wtf?

Also, do you have some grievances toward Argo? Lol. Cuz you tend to use it like a threat in your stories that needs to be stopped. Kara SHOULD be taking her ass home from time to time, to spend time w/ her mother, to reconnect w/ her culture and it's people and probably to keep learning past the level of a 13 year old.

"Why is Jacob Kane still walking around as a freeman?" This was a LOADED question coming from Lena.
HeroWitch chapter 16 . 7/19
So what to say about this story! Kara is home when Alex's here! Without here, she gone to Argo! Glad to J'onn, the voice to reason, nice good! Wonderful story, I liked it! Continue like this! You're my best author!
dnmann chapter 15 . 7/18
Good chapter.
SpencerFan chapter 15 . 7/18
"I am. I mean I didn't go and kill Jacob Kane did I?" - to her credit that is taking it VERY easy! Good conversations in this! "Final chapter up tomorrow" - we'll see. :)

A nice update; I look forward to the next!
Jennifer Baratta chapter 15 . 7/18
Outstanding chapter!
CF2 chapter 15 . 7/18
Jacob does not

know how lucky

he is that Alex

didn't go after


Love that little

bratty sister


Kelly definitely handled

learning Kara's

secret better than


Kelly is a class act.

Nice talk between

Kelly & Kara and

Kelly learning what

happened with Lena

learning the secret.

Again,great scene.

Very nice talk

between Eliza & Alex.

Great moment between

Eliza & Kara.

Very nice chapter.

I'm curious about

the next time

Pete & Alex interact now.
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