Reviews for Bloodstone
Guest chapter 14 . 2h
Lol love that! What a funny line- “ I feel like I’m on the titanic or something”
Guest chapter 13 . 4h
Love this story sooo much!
0hyperreal0 chapter 14 . 23h
Amazing chapter! I admire how you give us snippets to what is historically occurring at the time. When Margie said she crossed the Atlantic "several times" and being that Bonnie landed on a ship in 1912, red flags went through my head. Good foreshadowing!

I really liked the moment after Damon proposed and was "searching Bonnie's face for something" and that she was unable to identify it. From what I understand Bonnie wasn't romantically involved with someone at the present time, so it makes sense that she wouldn't be able to identify the eruption of love (?), attraction (?), or need of acceptance from Damon. Also Bonnie not being up for introspection sounds realistic, and I understand. I mean she's trying to go back home and attempted to change the present outcomes! She's got other things to worry about, lol. Really enjoyed reading this chapter!

Can't wait to see what will happen on the night that the Titanic was sinking! Also how the heck is Damia on the Titanic?

I just have some questions in relation to the time travel in this work. (1) In the beginning (the present timeline) it was understood that Bonnie wanted to change the present, will her actions in the past affect the timeline (causing the present to be different)? Or is Bonnie's time travel inevitable, in the sense that it was always meant to happen and that no matter what happens in the past, the present will be the same because that's how it is meant to be? (2) If it is the latter, then why did Damon treat Bonnie so distantly and without care in the present time?

Looking forward to the future chapters!
StrawberryPeaches chapter 14 . 8/6
I've just finished reading this fic and OMG it's been amazing. I was hoping to find a new bamon fic to read and I was not disappointed :) I look forward to seeing Bonnie's journey home unfold.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6
The Titanic!
Guest chapter 14 . 8/6
To the other reviewer Bonnie didn't hear the story about Damon helping Emily's family because of something else that might have happened during her journey through the past. Bonnie going back in time doesn't change the future because she was already there in the past when all these things happen, her 'present" self just doesn't know it yet. Once Bonnie got transported to the past, her "present" self in that moment ceased to exist in that time. It's called a time loop. Bonnie from age 0 to right before she left to go to the past doesn't know anything because it doesn't happen to her. When Bonnie gets back to the future, her "present" self is the one that went back in time, so she knows everything.
chail chapter 14 . 8/6
I get so excited everyone an update comes
OnASnowyDay chapter 14 . 8/6
I’m happy with myself because I called Bonnie being on the titanic the second I read 1912 and being on a boat. This is the second major history event she’s lived through now and these bits of the story are so funny to me lol. It was nice to see Stefan again, although I’m guessing he just thinks Bonnie still looks young thanks to her magic or something since he didn’t question anything at all like Damon did. I wonder if Bonnie is going to come across Stefan in the 20s and meet up with klaus again. That would be interesting, except Damon wouldn’t be there that time to save her. Also, there’s the 50s when Damon is stuck in Augustine. Sorry I’m getting a little ahead lol. Can’t wait for part two when Bonnie gets to live through the titanic!
Guest chapter 14 . 8/6
Damon sure is falling for her!
Joanie's daughter chapter 14 . 8/6
I wonder if Bonnie never heard the story about Damon saving the slaves because it initially didn't happen. But Bonnie being in Damon's is changing him and his past.
IDC what Damon said that proposal was real. He's been carrying that ring around for years and still plan on get her necklace made...swoon. He's in love!
Oh no! not the Titanic. I hope they get out of this.
Good update!
PrettygalKamille1 chapter 14 . 8/6
Yaasss, I love this! I knew they were on the titanic from the very beginning. I'm sorry but why is Bonnie so oblivious, she doesn't notice her
Surroundings, until it's too late, or that Damon is absolutely in love with her. Anyway, thank you for the fast update, I must say, that I look forward to it quite a bit.
DancesWithButterflies chapter 14 . 8/6
That last line though! Oh boy!
DontSayno chapter 14 . 8/6
This is crazy good!
Guest chapter 14 . 8/6
SomebodyWhoCares chapter 14 . 8/5
Not the Titanic! O.o
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