Reviews for Lion King of Nazarick
RyuujiVantek chapter 1 . 7/19
As long as ainz and nazarick are inside the story, im fine with it. Otherwise, it wont be called overlord.
eperdomorock chapter 1 . 7/14
the two rules to join the guild of ainz ooal gown:
1-belong to the heteromorphic race.
2- be a productive member of society.
Please note this detail.
she would be more of an honorary guest at nazarick than a member.
ShotoToshiro chapter 1 . 7/14
Good chapter :3
Z.L.C. genesmith chapter 1 . 7/13
More! I demand MORE! Let's see where this goes, man! I want to see how Artoria deals with the NPCs of Nazarick when they end up in the New World!
Gilgamesh King of Mongrels chapter 1 . 7/11
Nice concept. I hope this fic doesn't rehash canon and actually have an organic story. Followed.
Karlos1234ify chapter 1 . 7/11
ArmantusCumPinnae chapter 1 . 7/11
wonder how ainz is gonna deal with this. then again there be quite a few evil ppl so he can get her to sic em. although it would be nice to have a good cop bad cop with both of them. I would ship em, having cuz artoria might have liked momonga for always taking careof her or to listen to her ramblings which she would say to her father and what not. and momonga would take care of her like he would his own daughter. there gonna be a lot of headaches but since touch me still goes strong in Ainz Ooal Gown I dont think there would be too many banthers. if even Sebas could do it (his alignment is 300 good too) then artoria wont cause too much trouble. perhaps she might open an alternative route, perhaps its artoria going to head on and Ainz is the one picking the pieces or support. like the merlin to king arthur.
larmmason chapter 1 . 7/10
Ah... You got me now.
Thank you for writing this
Eu sunt Dracul 1 chapter 1 . 7/10
Saber is Touch Me's daughter? Color me surprised. I want to see what will happen when she meets Momonga.

If Momonga finds out about her, he will be overjoyed. Considering how Keno affected him in a very positive way in side story, I have no doubt that Saber will make Momonga good again.

But then again there is Nazarick. It's so interesting to see what they will do or what will happen.

Will she meet him after Nazarick had already affected Momonga or before? Or in between? So many possibilities!
rick123987 chapter 1 . 7/9
nice starting
stupidlymockingothers chapter 1 . 7/9
Question: Have you read the LN of Overlord? Not being an elitist or anything but the way you painted Touch Me is a bit too naive. There is a vey big chance of him being corrupted in canon. Someone with that kind of background with such contrasting view online is interesting. A solid character. Yours, from my firat impression, is not that interesting. Of course, one could argue that since this is your fanfic, it does not matter but think about the setting of Overlord. World of 2138.

A post World War 3 world where corporations have supplanted the governing body of nations and ruled with an iron fist, cyberpunk kinda world. That sort of world where the author explicitly said people who lived inside the main part of arcologies were very much corrupted to the core. And Touch Me being born with a silver spoon and also have high school education? Something a majority of downtrodden people don't have?

This is what made him, in my intrepretation at least, interesting. Is he actually a good guy or is he actually just pretending to be good. This interpretation is too perfect. Everything just fall neatly into place. Of course, I know you will write interesting chapters since I did follow your other work. I just wanted to know if this intrepretation of Overlord's canon is deliberate on your part or just due to not knowing what actually happened.

Moving on to Artoria. How is this a crossover? Is she a reincarnation of the King Artoria Pendragon? Matter of fact, why is her name Artoria? I also questioned the Igraine and Uther thing. Touch Me is Japanese, is he not? Overlord setting pretty much told us from the prologue novels the arcologies don't mix with one another. And the Japan of 2138 does not seem to be more open to foreigners than the Japan of today. Probably way more closed off, with the whole "only rich people get to have outdoor activities and get to eat real food and not food paste" thing going on.

I am quite honestly intrigue by this. But why and how does she being in Nazarick changed anything? Even if she were to oppose Momonga and fight him, only NPC created by her would follow her. Even Sebas would listen to Momonga first since Artoria is not his creator. And how would the Nasuverse stuff incorporate into this? Alaya? Because that would not make sense either since human were almost eradicated if not for the 6 Great Gods.

I would give this fic a tentative follow for now. Maybe this is just not my cup of tea, maybe it is. All I know is your writing is pretty damn good. Here hoping for more
Gamma-X chapter 1 . 7/7
Well, this is gonna be awesome. I wonder what race Artoria will choose in Yggdrasil...a Dragonkind? Dragon? Lion Beastman? Hmm..can't be Human since Nazarick is anti-human..Doppelganger? Anyways, I'm intrigued as to what she'll be in Yggdrasil. Keep up the good work!

Ja Ne~!
Sprengkamp chapter 1 . 7/7
Th for the story
gold crown dragon chapter 1 . 7/7
huh, hope she and Ainz have an uncle-niece relationship
freeforall546 chapter 1 . 7/7
this looks awesome!
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