Reviews for By The Numbers
missemmatorchwood chapter 2 . 7/18
I LOVE this! Please give it a quick sequel? They could be so close to Earth turtles that if they were released into the wild way, way, WAY out to see, they could be considered a spontaneous genetic mutation, given the pink colours!

Course the Doctor could fortuitously show up for some innocuous reason or another and take them with him back home... let they roam the halls and pools of the TARDIS
biancaruth chapter 2 . 7/10
I’m glad the one that was used as a football seems to be ok. Pink baby turtles seem to be adorable!
FranArian chapter 2 . 7/10
Won't be able to let the poor babies loose in the Bay...and it'd be sad to try to send them back via the Rift and have them get hurt (or worse). Wonder if the Doctor can come to help and have the TARDIS play transport for them...
sandysan2013 chapter 2 . 7/10
Now look who’s jinxing things!
I love Janto chapter 2 . 7/10
Food first then check out the one that Owen kicked, That one will need special attention.
No such thing and normal or dull.
FranArian chapter 1 . 7/9 I do wonder what's going to hatch out of those... and how many are going to decide Ianto is "mama"... (snicker)
I love Janto chapter 1 . 7/9
Owen would kick the thing. Lets hope he didn't kill it.

Now to get the eggs into the van safely. Tosh knows what she is doing.