Reviews for The Right Thing
Hades Lord of the Dead chapter 5 . 1h
Love this so far! Great job
badkidoh chapter 5 . 4h
Great chapter.
Dee chapter 5 . 5h
I like the way the argument played out - it gives Morgana a chance not to turn against them.
Gingeraffealene chapter 5 . 6h
Whew! Dang! Arthur really put his foot in it, but it could be for the best to get all that horribleness out in the open. Anger may still be there, but understanding also has a foot in the door. Well done!
nerdwarf chapter 4 . 7/26
sandhopper chapter 4 . 7/25
Wow! Awesome chapter! Look forward to more!
Vanvdreamer chapter 4 . 7/24
I like this idea! Good story so far - keep up the good work! And what a great ending line...
GuestM chapter 4 . 7/24
Excellent chapter! Arthur got to knowingly enjoy a few of the pleasures of magic ;) and I loved his comment too Morgana. Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks
Guest chapter 4 . 7/23
Well that was an interesting line to end it on. Great chapter, can't wait for more.
badkidoh chapter 4 . 7/23
Great chapter.
Gingeraffealene chapter 4 . 7/23
What a last line!
And that line of Merlin’s -welcome to a brand new world of possibilities- sums up exactly how I would feel if I found out my best friend had magic. It sort of conjures up a picture of a big, friendly blue genie.. XD
Guest chapter 3 . 7/21
Wow, just wow, I am loving this!
Reynardetta chapter 3 . 7/21
Gosh I love the way this is going.
Taz chapter 3 . 7/20
I like how you show nothing is black or white.
badkidoh chapter 3 . 7/20
Good chapter.
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