Reviews for Saiyan in DxD
NaruAi2018 chapter 1 . 7/24
I'm not adding Amaterasu. Stop asking annoying mother fuckers. If you don't like my story, then go fuck yourself. Worthless readers.
Wolf1741 chapter 1 . 7/23
As soon as I read there are beings that will fight you toe-toe I knew I smelt BULLSHIT!
X25 chapter 1 . 7/21
Add Amaterasu to the harem
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
I hope you teach gohan to use god ki like u could make great red train him
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
Please don’t nerf gohan too much he should be stronger than everyone from dxd maybe great red, ohis or 666 trihexa are stronger since we don’t know much about their powers
Daxi3 chapter 1 . 7/20
Please add Amaterasu to the harem
dasbubai1962001 chapter 1 . 7/19
Stop giving stupid power ups to a weak universe. Satan level can destroy Islands at best. Even the highest power level in DxD would never surpass 1 Million. Gohan's base in Cell saga was AT LEAST 20 - 50 Million. In SSJ2 that would be 2 - 5 Billion. In a world filled with villainous SSJ2 level beings, the first thing they would do is destroy the world. Rizevim in the canon only wanted chaos. If he could destroy the world then he would not plan his ass off to unseal Trihexa. And people in DxD cannot get that strong with training. Otherwise there would not be so many Low Class beings. Most beings in DxD are High Class including various clan Yasaka is Peak Ultimate Class at best. There strength is mostly decided at birth. People does not have plot armor like Issei. They can never reach Ophis or Great Red level. Gohan coming to DxD is like Beerus coming to earth in Super. Having a OP as hell characters is not as annoying as seeing weak characters becoming stupidly powered up for plots sake.
marquis.shax chapter 1 . 7/18
about half of this seems to be copied from another story I've read but the other half seems to be original or at least not from any stories I've read. I know it's early in the series but I'm betting that Super Shenron (The Dragon of Gods) would be able to bring Gohan back
Fuck Issei chapter 1 . 7/15
vietthai96: fuck off nobody cares about the worthless Issei.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15
You really gonna have an adult hit on a child? Really? Not reading this pedo shit. Fuck you shota bastards. Rot in hell.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15
Gohan story, how original. Like seriously almost have the Gohan stories are during the Cell Games. Almost as if they're copy and paste with a few differences. At this point I prefer the Goku stories. Also why is there love for Vegito, Gogeta, Vegeta, Goten, or other characters?

"Also don't worry about power scaling. It's DBZ and DXD so they are both equal in that department." I'm sorry but there is no way in fucking hell that DxD is equal to DBZ. The strongests in DxD are only planetary or around Saiyan saga level.

Ophis Attack Potency: Country level, possibly Planet level (Comparable to Great Red. It has been stated that Ophis at her full power and Great Red are the only ones able to destroy Trihexa) Country level (After Samael's poison weakened Ophis, it is said to be twice as strong as Ddraig and Albion combined, placing her at this level)

Great Red Attack Potency: Country level, possibly Planet level (Stronger than Issei Hyoudou with Apocalypse AnswerArms; the Dragon Gods are capable of completely destroying Trihexa whereas Issei with the incomplete AxA cannot do so. Stated to be capable of destroying the human world, Underworld, Heaven, and the various worlds of the mythologies in a battle with Trihexa)

666 Attack Potency: Island level (Even when split apart, it could wipe out several numbers of God-class beings - making it superior to the likes of Serafall Leviathan - and destroy islands and mountain ranges on a level that can alter the world map with its fire breath) Country level, possibly Planet level (Comparable to Great Red, and is stated to be capable of destroying the human world, Underworld - which is the same size as the human world, but with a larger landmass - Heaven, and the various worlds of the mythologies in a battle with him. Destroyed the first six levels of Heaven, including Third Heaven, which is said to be so vast that no one knows its end)

Goku Saiyan/Frieza Sagas Attack Potency: Moon level (Fought Raditz alongside Piccolo). Small Planet level after King Kai's training (Easily humiliated Nappa before he calmed down), Planet level with Kaio-ken (Overpowered Vegeta with Kaio-ken x3, and then matched his Galick Gun with a Kamehameha, overwhelming him when he went Kaio-ken x4) At least Planet level (Easily defeated Recoome, Burter, and Jeice), higher with Kaio-ken (Surpassed Ginyu in power, leading to him stealing his body). At least Dwarf Star level post-Zenkai (Stronger than Vegeta and Piccolo, and fought against a very casual Frieza in his final form) with Kaio-ken x10 and x20 (Bruised Frieza in his final form) and the Spirit Bomb (Badly injured Frieza). Small Star level as a Super Saiyan (Matched Frieza's full power and ultimately defeated him)

Vegeta Saiyan/Frieza Sagas Attack Potency: Planet level (Stronger than Nappa and superior to Goku with Kaio-ken x2. Stated that he was going to turn the Earth to ashes and matched Goku's Kamehameha until he used Kaio-ken x4), higher as an Oozaru (Even when weakened, he was able to easily overwhelm Goku) Planet level (Easily defeated Cui, Dodoria, and Zarbon, and killed monster Zarbon after his second Zenkai), Dwarf Star level after his third Zenkai (Matched Frieza in his first form), higher after his fourth Zenkai (Surpassed both Piccolo and third form Frieza in power, but was nothing compared to an extremely casual final form Frieza)

Gohan Saiyan/Frieza Sagas Attack Potency: Moon level (Shattered Raditz's armor in a rage, and after being trained by Piccolo, he became the second strongest of the Z-Fighters present, behind only Piccolo himself. When angry, he was capable of somewhat hurting a casual Nappa), higher as an Oozaru (Piccolo had to destroy the moon to stop him, and he injured Vegeta) Planet level (Initially stronger then before. After getting his potential unlocked, he grew steadily stronger, approaching Vegeta's power during the Saiyan Saga and surpassing him after getting Zenkai, becoming increasingly powerful) to Dwarf Star level (During his rages, he was able to injure Frieza in his second form, and after another Zenkai, he was able to briefly overwhelm him in his third form)

So yeah by the time the Frieza saga starts, DxD characters have zero chance against the Dragon Ball characters. Hell 4 year old Gohan is moon level which puts him above Azazel, Michael, Sirzechs, the Heavenly Dragons, and the majority of DxD. Which only reach between wall level and country level. Cell saga Gohan is solar system level which makes him a GOD compared to DxD. And anyone who claims that they're near Cell saga, Buu saga, Super Saiyan God level, Super Saiyan Blue level, or Zeno level are complete and utter morons. Like seriously I read a comment on a Youtube video that said Ophis was equal to Zeno. Which is complete bullshit considering we've seen Zeno erase 7 universes in the ToP and Future Zeno erased his entire timeline (12 universes). Not to mention Ophis was weakened when she/it and lost some power, which is stupid considering Ophis the Dragon God of INFINITY. And anything added, subtracted, divided, or multiply by infinity will always be infinity.

I wish luck with your story, but it isn't my type of story. Since Gohan stories are starting to bore me not to mention it feels like you're going to give the DxD cast asspull power ups.
guest chapter 1 . 7/15
I would hope no Rias, Akeno, Koneko to change because they are often paired with someone other than Issei.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
Add Amaterasu to the harem
vietthai96 chapter 1 . 7/14
Chakra, hum, well whatever it your fanfic.
So look like harem will be Yasaka, Rias, and Akeno, you mention no more 5 girls, well i hope it is not like other fanfics where Issei harem got chopping down and add to Gohan harem, i hope fresh new characters(no Grayfia) like Gabriel, Serafall, or even Goddess from other Pantheon like Artemis, Amasterasu,...
hawkeyestratos1996 chapter 1 . 7/14
I approve yasaka is hot!
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