Reviews for Man of Iron, Child of Magic
DullReign82 chapter 5 . 7/23
The problem is that magic flies in the face of everything that is reason.
anja.quickert.9 chapter 5 . 7/23
flyboy38 chapter 5 . 7/23
Just to let you know A. C. Clarke was British but lived the last part of his life he lived in Sri Lanka. Clarke was possibly best known for conceptualizing the geostationary communications satellite.
Outofthisworldgal chapter 5 . 7/23
Howard would have had his mind blown in the alley. How many new inventions will be thought up :P
vcj chapter 5 . 7/23
That went well. I was wondering if Steve would recognize magic, as quite a few crossover fics have it that wars against the 3rd Reich, Hydra, and Grindlewald happened at the same time. It would then make sense that Steve met some magicals during the war. The question here is: who did he meet? Anyone we know...?

And Tony is right, after alien technology and "gods" being a normal part of his life now, what more is "magic"? Though I wonder if he will succeed in making sense of magic. I.E., I wonder if he will figure magic enough to get tech to work around it, and etc. At least he's taking it in stride. And I feel that he will accidentally cause a fair number of changes to Hogwarts, and perhaps Magical Britain as a whole.

The father-son relationship between Tony and Harry is off to a great start, and Steve is also taking up a role in Harry's new family quite well. Though I wonder what position that will be at the end. (older brother? Uncle?) And I assume that the other Avengers will also be part of Harry's family as time goes on. This story is great so far, and I can't wait to see more.
Puno chapter 3 . 7/21
I love it! Please write more fast, I am excited to see what’s coming next!
Millie072 chapter 5 . 7/23
The relationship between the three is starting to come together. With Steve to mitigate Tony's excesses Harry will accept faster. Hermione's response when she finds out; typical for her or dumbfounded? BTW Arthur C. Clarke is a British Sci-Fi writer, born in Somerset, England.
kingslayer98 chapter 5 . 7/23
James Birdsong chapter 3 . 7/21
Good two chapters
finkarhu chapter 5 . 7/23
Thanks for the chapter
wsbenge chapter 5 . 7/23
Good job with the logical discovery of magic.
Problemchild667 chapter 5 . 7/23
Thanks for the update. I really love it. Can’t wait for more.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 5 . 7/23
A great chapter here.
SkylerHollow chapter 5 . 7/23
Thanks for the chapter. Current bet, depending on your rendition, Stark will attempt to make a artificial magic core with the Arc reactor as a basis.
dreamflower02 chapter 5 . 7/23
OK, favorite part of this chapter? That Steve already knew about wizards. Of course he would! Love it.
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