Reviews for To Smirk Or Not To Smirk
Gunney chapter 1 . 7/21
"But that Captain was a five on the richter scale..." Made me lol. And Babcock and Simmons are nasty bastards, but very entertaining. Poor Hutch. "His emotions were on a high wire act, dangling." Love the imagery. And wisdom of the ages from Huggy! How many times have I played this very same game with others!? Astute analysis, entertaining and sweet. Thank you partner!
Hummina chapter 1 . 7/20
Nancy, wonderful story. Starsky can ALWAYS turn Hutch's bad moods around. OK, so if Hutch is a Polar Bear, that begs the question …...
mel2932 chapter 1 . 7/20
Love it. More please!
Lapfordlass chapter 1 . 7/20
This story is a delight. It made me laugh out loud several times and yet was so poignant. I loved the way you showed what gets Hutch down and how the boys can always help each other out of a dark place. Great story.
sandybeliever chapter 1 . 7/20