Reviews for Let's Dance Until Dawn
Eliza chapter 1 . 10/20
Eliza and Wyatt remind me so much of me and Luke.
Eliza chapter 1 . 9/14
Eliza and Wyatt stumbling out of the wolf den together reminds me of last Tuesday because Luke had snuck up on me. Last Tuesday before health class I was just looking at the time on my watch and Luke said to some of our friends,"Watch this, you guys. I'm going to sneak up on Eliza and see if she realizes that I'm standing behind her." So Luke had walked up behind me and he was also looking at the time on my watch, over my shoulder because he was looking over my right shoulder. I didn't even realize he was standing behind me until I looked over my right shoulder and looked into his eyes. That was so funny and I was trying not to laugh the rest of the day. That was the day before the 1st of the 3 days that Luke had ignored me.
Eliza chapter 1 . 8/28
Seriously Addie? You really think something's going on between Eliza and Wyatt.
Eliza chapter 1 . 8/27
Addie, you, Z, Bree, and Bonzo really need to talk to Eliza and Wyatt to see if there's anything going on between them because you had even told Z while you guys were standing outside of the wolf den before Eliza and Wyatt came out together,"I noticed before the two of them getting quite close. They look good together." For you and Bree talking to Eliza maybe take her shopping and say,"E, Bree and I were just wondering, is there anything going on between you and Wyatt because you guys never left each other's sides except for when Wyatt was daning with his wolf pack and you were dancing with your friends including Z and I." Bree would say,"Adding to what Addie had said, I noticed when you took your z-band off and you went full zombie Wyatt was right by your side and they way you guys were looking at each other when Wyatt helped you reattach your z-band made me curious. Do you have feelings for Wyatt?" Eliza would say to Bree and Addie,"Do not let this get back to Willa, but yeah I do have feelings for Wyatt because the day we met, which happened to be the day Z was watching his 9 year old sister Zoey, and we met the wolves Wyatt and I were staring at each other and I was thinking to myself, he's so cute, I just want to kiss him. We were having a conversation, just the two of us because wynter had said to the other wolves including Willa, let's leave them alone, so they can get to know each other a bit better and you will not guess who interrupted our conversation?" Addie would say,"Z." For Z and Bonzo talking to Wyatt I was thinking maybe having them go out for lunch and Z would say,"Wyatt, Bonzo and I were just wondering, do you have feelings for E because she's like a sister to us and if you break her heart you will not like us because E and Bucky are ex's because Bucky had cheated on E with one of his assistant captains, Lacey and E had gone over to Bucky's to see if he wanted to see night of the werewolf at the movie theater and she told us that as soon as she walked into Bucky's room, she saw him and Lacey making out on his bed, so she ended her relationship with him and ran home in tears. Bonzo had gone into the room he shares with E because they are step siblings and he asked her, E , what's wrong, why are you in tears?" Bonzo said,"E looked up and said to me, I had gone over to Bucky's to see if he wanted to see night of the werewolf at the movie theater with me, but when I walked into his room, I saw him and Lacey making out on his bed, so I ended my relationship with him and I just ran home in tears." Wyatt would say,"That selfish jerk. How could he do that to Eliza because she's so nice. I didn't know Eliza had gone over to Bucky's and saw that, so I thought Eliza could use a friend to help her through the break up, but she had told me that the day we met because we had a conversation just the two of us, so we could get to know one another a bit better and I had asked her, so how are things going between you and Bucky? Eliza was really close to tears when she said, I had gone over to Bucky's to see if he wanted to see night of the werewolf at the movie theater with me, but when I had walked into his room, I saw him and Lacey making out on his bed, so I ended my relationship with him and ran home in tears. When she told me that I said, Eliza come here and wrapped her up in a hug to let her know that if she needed a friend through the hard time that I was there for her, but when she slid her arms around my waist I was surprised, but I had my arms around her neck and she said, Wyatt this is all my fault, if I had been a better girlfriend this wouldn't have happened. It broke my heart to hear Eliza say that, so I said, It's not your fault. You did the right thing by ending the relationship and if you ever need someone to talk to you can always talk to me because I'll be here for you, no matter what. I think while we were hugging was when I realized that I have feelings for Eliza. Can you guys please not tell your girlfriends what I had just told you guys because I don't need Addie and Bree low kicking Eliza's ex Bucky." Z would ask,"Can I at least call and tell Addie because she deserves to know what her cousin did to one of her best friends?" Wyatt would say, "Yeah, you can call Addie and let her know what her jerk of a cousin did and where are Addie and Bree because usually they're with you and Bonzo." Bonzo would say,"Wyatt, Z's girlfriend Addie and my girlfriend Bree took my step sister Eliza shopping and to ask her if she has feelings for you?" Wyatt would say,"Ok." Z would dial in Addie's number and she'd answer,"Hey Z. What's up? I thought you were still with Bonzo and Wyatt?" Z would say,"Addie, I'm still with Bonzo and Wyatt and Wyatt had just told me and Bonzo what happened with E and your cousin Bucky because Wyatt had us that E had told him what all happened between her and Bucky and I asked can I at least call and tell Addie what her jerk of a cousin did to one of her best friends and Wyatt said sure you can, so I'm calling and letting you know." Addie would say,"Thanks for the heads up, Z. So would you guys mind meeting us at the mall or us picking you up and going to get ice-cream to celebrate E and Bucky breaking up and E and Wyatt admitting that they have feelings for each other?" Z would say,"Let me ask Bonzo and Wyatt and I'll let you know in an hour. Love you Addie." Addie would say,"Love you too, Z." Z would say,"So do you guys mind if we meet the girls at the mall or having them pick us up?" Bonzo and Wyatt would say, "Having them pick us up because we miss our girls." Z would say,"That's fine with me, I miss Addie." Z would call Addie back and say,"So Wyatt, Bonzo, and I all agreed it would be better for you girls to come pick us up because Wyatt and Bonzo miss their girls and I miss you." Addie would say,"Oh by the way, my car's only a 5 passenger and there will be 6 of us, so E probably will have to sit on Wyatt's lap. Can you please let him know?" Z would say,"Sure I can, his far away are you girls?" Addie would say,"We are an hour away." Z would say,"Ok and Wyatt, Addie's car is only a 5 passenger and there will be 6 of us, so E's going to be sitting on your lap. Is that ok?" Wyatt would say,"Yeah, it's fine. That means Eliza and I would be able to have our first kiss." Addie, Bree, and Eliza would arrive and Z, Bonzo, and Wyatt would all get in. Z would sit up in front with Addie. Bonzo would let Bree sit in the middle of the backseat and he would slide in next to her and Wyatt would sit behind Z with Eliza on his lap.
Eliza chapter 1 . 8/22
Z, you and Addie NEED to talk to Wyatt and Eliza BIG tîme.
Eliza chapter 1 . 8/21
Addie, you and Z SERIOUSLY need to talk to Eliza and Wyatt because I agree with you. Something's going on BETWEEN them because when Wyatt was beside her, helping her reattach her z-band he looked at her movingly in his eyes and she looked back at him lovingly and since you and zed had your first kiss, I thought Eliza and Wyatt would have their first kiss as well, but they didn't and that's a bit disappointing, but Wyatt walking Eliza home is really sweet of him. I even came up with a ship name for them since Zed and your ship name is Zeddison, for Zed and Addison, so for Wyatt and Eliza's ship name I was thinking Wyiza, for you know, Wyatt and Eliza. You guys really need to talk to them because you even said to Z,"I noticed before how close they were getting. They are good together." Before that though, you guys were talking about the way Wyatt was looking at Eliza as he helped her reattach her z-band and they both looked at each other lovingly.
Eliza chapter 1 . 8/21
Addie, you BETTER talk to Eliza because I think she REEALLY LIKES Wyatt and I also think Wyatt REEALLY LIKES Eliza, so you might want to talk to Eliza and have Z talk to Wyatt to see if there's anything going on BETWEEN them. They are SUPER cute together. I even came up with a ship name for them because Zed and your ship name is Zeddison, for Zed and Addison, so for Wyatt and Eliza's ship name I was thinking Wyiza, for you know, Wyatt Eliza.
CrazyHayniac chapter 1 . 8/21
I love how this gives a look into the thoughts and feelings Addison might have had leading up to Prawn since it's not something that can be included in a movie. The way her thoughts still drift to Zed even though she's incredibly angry at him is something that seems incredibly likely with their relationship.

Bree and Addison getting ready for Prawn together is a perfect addition to something that's not shown in the movie and likely happened. Their conversation while getting ready and how it helps Addison is really touching and amazing to see.

Even following a moment right from the movie when Zed and Addison are reunited, you've added a lot by the thoughts Addison's had before and what she's thinking and feeling as Zed approaches her. I love how with Zed, everything that should be expected when someone goes full zombie is the opposite for Addison. It helps show how strong their relationship is that she knows she doesn't need to worry. Zed and Addison's second reunion of the night is also nice to see through Addison's eyes.

I love how everyone ending up at the Wolf Den is for Prawn's after party. It's the perfect way to logically explain the transition that occurs during 'One for All'.

The way what Bree mentioned to Addison about belonging with Zed comes back into play during their embrace and kiss is fantastic. The fact that they kept sneaking away to steal kisses only to be caught and brought back to the dance floor.

The further conversation about Zed taking the moonstone and the two reconciling about it is something the movie definitely could have included, and I'm glad it was included here. Amazing job,
LoveShipper chapter 1 . 8/21
Bree is so smart and intuitive. Glad Addie got her dream prom and new friends.
bonesda25 chapter 1 . 8/21
The scene with Bree is perfect and EXACTLY where the movie should have gone. It’s so perfect I feel like the filmed and it’s a deleted scene. That’s how perfect it would have been. I might have actually liked the second movie if that was is in it.

Shame it was not.

Fantastic fic thanks!
wildflowerchildGrace chapter 1 . 8/19
This was cute! I’ve only seen the second movie once (so far) & that made it a little harder for me to watch the scene play out in my head. But, thanks to your artful writing, my imagination played it out for me. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
QuietlyScreaming chapter 1 . 8/19
Omg! This was so adorable and perfect! The whole part with Bree telling Addie about where she belonged was incredible! And Addie's thoughts about seeing Zed in his suit? Swoon! Loved it all! Fantastic job! Can't wait to see what else you come up with in the future!
ZeddisonMagic chapter 1 . 8/19
OMG SOOOOOOOOOOOO good write more!
Olive chapter 1 . 8/19