Reviews for Believing in Karma at Malfoy's Petshop
Sonya chapter 1 . 6/13/2004
I love this! I'm pretty sure that I've read this before...maybe last year, but I didn't reveiw then (oops...). Anyway, this was so freaking hilarious! My mom just came to ask if I was choking because I was laughing so hard! You've a real talent for short stories, so keep writing them. This was a very original idea, and I'm glad that I found this story again!

Daintress chapter 1 . 11/29/2003
Sweet Merlin but that's funny! Hope you plan to write some more. Not many good humor fics out there.
(PS, pls check out my fic, which is not humor, but hopefully still worth reading)
She-Who-Is-Not-To-Be-Psycho chapter 1 . 6/21/2003
... *breathing* oh, *breathing* oh ...

.. oh god... hehehehehehehhe hohohohohoh ...

hehehe hehehe... hum... ehem...


Oh, are you planing to do a sequel. I just NEED a sequel... I'M ADICTED!

My god this was good... hahahhahaha... yeah, hum... hehehehee!

Noriko M. Chijinu chapter 1 . 6/20/2003
hehehehehe Draco is so kul!XD

post soon ne?
Dragix chapter 1 . 6/6/2003
For a story, it's just downright strange. But if it were a dream, KEEP DREAMING! I'd LOVE to have dreams like those! LOL.