Reviews for Hey, Green Eyes
phoenix831 chapter 35 . 12/18/2014
Thank you thank you thank you!
I've followed all three and look forward to reading (: Especially the unfinished story!
iloveit chapter 36 . 4/8/2008
I found this fic while randomly searching for stories with "blitzball" in the summary and really enjoyed it. I'm incredibly impressed with the way you took blitzball players who barely even talk in FFX and gave them well thought out backstories and personalities. I also think the way you fit the story into the actual plot of the game helped a lot to make it seem believable. And of course, I'm always a sucker for a good love story.

Oh, and Linna's Nap Shot 3 is totally the best thing ever.
rikku chapter 36 . 6/12/2005
i hope you mak e a sequal to this story it was a great one
Evil Eric chapter 1 . 10/22/2004
I just stumbled onto this, and I must say, I love it. I happen to be a Linna lover, and it makes me sad that there's so little material out there about her. It rocks that you wrote this.
Creole chapter 36 . 8/12/2004
Fark, but that was lovely.

Honestly, I avoided reading this fanfic for a long time. I was certain that it was an OC-MarySue, horror of horrors.

But how pleasantly surprised I was when I found that it was a fic about Linna, one of the best characters in blitzball! (...And it has some of Bickson too- my weak spot.) I had always wondered why the non-regulation blitz players never got any fanfic attention, and even considered writing one myself. But it's already done! Great job; the OCs didn't dominate the story or seem out-of-place; the epilogue tied up all the loose ends.

This whole story had an epic feel to it. The Al Bhed translations were a teensy bit irritating, but were obviously needed for the story to be in canon.

Enough from me- it was a pleasure to read this. Now... off I go to read your other fics!
klepto-maniac0 chapter 35 . 3/10/2004
Nice how you had this bit at the end, showing how she makes peace with her mom. But apparently this happens, like, after FFX-2. Wouldn't it have been better to put it at the end of Green Eyes Plays Dress-up (I think that's it...?) In any case, good fic! I love your writing. It brightens my day. Keep it up.
klepto-maniac0 chapter 33 . 3/10/2004
See, I KNEW the Al Bhed couldn't have been all sweet and peaceful after Home was blown up. Good show. And good for Linna. It took me a while to realize how cunning she was to use Aniki's (and another thing; the earlier bit you did with Brudda and Aniki is GREAT!) weird fears against him, but I see the coolness now. I say it again, good show.
klepto-maniac0 chapter 27 . 3/8/2004
Go, Linna, with the tossing of the goggles! I see the start of a revolution here!
I want to finish the story, but I've got rehearsal! No...
klepto-maniac0 chapter 26 . 3/8/2004
CHING! Mass win!
klepto-maniac0 chapter 22 . 3/8/2004
I love Botta's comment about not being on the bench. Yay!
klepto-maniac0 chapter 19 . 3/8/2004
This is so good. With a storyline like this and characters so well done (I love how Linna feels about romance; that's how I am too), you could break out bestselling into the original genre. DO IT!
klepto-maniac0 chapter 14 . 3/8/2004
Ya, the Jecht Shot makes its appearance! I love that shot. Good stuff it is...
Also, I forgot to say that I love how you use blitzball techs as chapter titles. They FIT. It's beautiful. I love it.
klepto-maniac0 chapter 10 . 3/8/2004
Good way to portray that Al Bhed/Yevonite tensions there.
klepto-maniac0 chapter 9 . 3/8/2004
I might've said this before, but it's worth saying again. I usually don't care for stories featuring NPC's, but you write Linna so well-with humor and humanity-that I just can't get enough of this story! I use in-between class time to blitz through chapters! pun intended there. I'm just a speed reader...
klepto-maniac0 chapter 8 . 3/8/2004
I love the way you write Rin in this chapter. I can just hear him speaking in my head. It's great. And I love how you put untranslated Al Bhed into the story. It adds a lot of flavor.
Plus-Rin being called Coach? This is nifty...
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