Reviews for Third Time Lucky
Guest chapter 4 . 9/13/2013
Awesome story
Pleees UPDATE more...!
Saving People Slaying Things chapter 4 . 3/28/2013
I WANT MORE! (Okay I kind of sound like a 5 year old, but still...)

Please update? Too much of a cliff hanger for me to handle!
spike'smate chapter 3 . 1/5/2013
good chapter but yr spelling needs checking
Stina Whatever chapter 4 . 1/6/2011
lol. this was a great chapter, please update, it's been some time
megumisakura chapter 4 . 7/29/2010
great story,please update!
stopthatbluecat chapter 4 . 1/7/2010
Wow, this was really interesting.
Green Tea fan chapter 4 . 12/12/2009
Oh no. You're not updating anymore? That's sad. It was getting good too. I loved how you portrayed Dolye. I've always liked him. And Buffy is so smitten with Spike that it's so cute. Did she ever meet Angel?
All4Spike chapter 4 . 10/1/2008
Outstanding fic. I love the way you picked up Buffy just as she was called and integrated Spike and Dawn into the movie plot before Buffy moved to Sunnydale, and you've got all 3 main characters down exactly. I can't wait to see what happens next... but it looks as if I'll never find out. I'm sitting here pouting 'cos it looks as if this fic has been abandoned, any chance of it being continued at all?
Hoosier Daddy chapter 1 . 4/17/2006
SamDeanLove chapter 4 . 2/8/2006
very good! whana reade more about it.. ) so please hurry up!
Brunettepet chapter 4 . 1/6/2006
I love the way you've twisted canon in this story, weaving Spike into Buffy's life seamlessly. Using Doyle to introduce them rather than Whistler worked very well, and made me wonder if Whistler was running a parallel line on Angel. Now that you're in Season one and Angel is following the original storyline, I can't wait to read Spike's new role. This is a lot of fun, and you have insolent jerk/sentimental romantic Spike down pat. Having him as Buffy's first vampire lover will certainly shake up the story, and I'm looking forward to more. Nice job so far.
buffyspikefan chapter 4 . 12/28/2005
wow this is good!
Rebel Goddess chapter 4 . 12/28/2005
Loving the twists to the original episode. This chapter was fun, and then became amazing at your introduction of Spike. More please. Soon.
spbangel chapter 4 . 12/27/2005
wow that is amazing love it all wonder if there is gunna be more spuffyness coz i love it please update soon plase
Eden's Echo chapter 4 . 12/27/2005
ahh you updated you updated. I think that that was the best chapter i've ever read ! This is my favorite fic and i'm so glad that you haven't abandoned it for one of your crossovers though i enjoy those too.

I hopeto see another chapter without such a long hiatus next time!
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