Reviews for Again and Again
Chaella chapter 1 . 7/30/2010
This is interesting versio
DuskStar chapter 1 . 3/9/2007
That's different. But I like it.
Heaven and Earth chapter 1 . 6/15/2006
I liked it. I have 13 of the Replica books, including the last one. For one, the Amys' and Andys' all lose their powers and Amy Seven and Andy Five don't end up together. I'm not going to tell you any more, because I don't want to spoil it!

Heaven and Earth
Valyrian chapter 1 . 2/9/2006
good story, but try not to leap ahead so much

\it's confusing

really enjoyed this story

keep up the good work

inform me of any updates

Anonymous chapter 1 . 8/5/2004
The story was really good, but hey, blond hair and brown eyes can go together! Hilary Duff has that combination!
evilruler89 chapter 1 . 6/21/2004
hi im lizzy,

i finished replica series last year in 8th grade and i wasnt happy with the end all amys losing their powers and andys too then amy #7 a supergirl? i didnt like it...anyhooies i like ur plot its interesting and makes do continue asap..and thnaks! u soo brought memories back lol i had loads of replica ff but i lost them...oh well...i like it do continue asap...not many replica fans huh? 31 ff that sux im gonna write some...
Lizabeth chapter 1 . 5/23/2004
I loved this. Good writing. I hated the last one. It was totally stupid. I liked your ending better. Add more, it would be cool to see where this goes.
jamie chapter 1 . 8/13/2003
Hi this is a great story, better then most stories i read. i just want to say though that it was kindve confusing although i have read some of the replica books. But great job and keep it up!
katie janeway chapter 1 . 7/13/2003
Do Not, repeat, DO NOT, place anything from book 24 in here. That was a disappointment. It started okay, but the's like the author didn't care anymore, and so just tacked on the first ending that came to mind. And Amy #7, world heroine. It' I think she should have gone the route of the other Amys. Or at least stayed the way she was, instead of...well, c'mon. Flying? Argh. :(

Sorry about the rant. This looks promising, so I hope to see more.
karmakaze chapter 1 . 6/20/2003
Please, for the sake of all that is good, do NOT use anything from book 24 in your story. It would pretty much ruin just about every fanfiction on here, so I'd say you should just act as if that book never happened. It would pretty much invalidate all of my stories as well. I'd say just keep it the way it is. But how did Amy Ten die? Oh well. So, what's Tom Four going to turn out like? I like what happened to her soccer ball. But are the Alexs and the Toms growing up in the same area? because that would prove to the world how different they were. Maybe just Tom 11 and Alex 7 could live in the same area. But then, there wouldn't be an Alex/Tom with every number. This is a very neat fic, please keep it up!
Lady Maria chapter 1 . 6/20/2003
The ending of twenty-four makes your story completely implausible and impossible. however, the story is good and I really want to read more of it. Just state that it's an AU fic that would have happened if the clones hadn't lost their powers. Sorry for the spoiler. Personally, 24 sucked but you might like it.
remnants-2011 chapter 1 . 6/20/2003
reall like it, please continue!