Reviews for False Requiem
Connie chapter 1 . 2/26/2018
Oh so sad but much hope
Agent Striker chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
Love this! You did a great job!
She's a Star chapter 1 . 8/18/2004
Oh, that was gorgeous. It was just so in-character for Mulder, and there were a few lines in this that just struck me as being so absolutely perfect: "One day she was standing there shaking his hand and smiling down at him like he'd done something unexpectedly right. . ." That just captured that scene so well, and the last five lines were absolutely amazing. Bittersweet, stunning; absolutely beautiful fic.
anonymous chapter 1 . 7/21/2003
This kinda reminds me of a line from another dd film but only if you switch the names,

" I loved Diana, But I ache for Scully"

it originally was "I loved Elizabeth, But I ache for Gracie"
Obi-Wan'sPadawan chapter 1 . 7/20/2003
I do like how you show Mulder's reluctance at feeling welcome with Scully's family. I also like how you show his guilt over what happened and his guilt over what happened in '3'. I also like the slight optimism. All in all, a good story.
dana-maru1 chapter 1 . 7/20/2003
aw that was so sweet! Great story ... one thing though - maybe you could change the format as it is rather difficult to determine where the story begins and the author notes end :o]

Keep up the great writing