Reviews for In the Light of the Moon
Nicole Gruebel chapter 10 . 1/3/2005
It's a lovely story! I like it when Erik and Christine are happy together and those twins seem to be adorable, too.
KittenCeez chapter 10 . 12/26/2004
Are you still writing this story? It's pretty good! Nice storyline, but sometimes you did seem a little on the short of detail side, but hey!

So where's Raoul been hiding all these years? Surely he would not have waited in Paris for the past 5 years? Not that I care (I can't STAND Raoul), but it would solve a missing piece to the puzzle, so to speak.
Caley chapter 10 . 12/16/2004
Bravo, momame,

I love the idea, and the well speaking of french i am very keep up the exillent work and i hope to read more of your stories.

Yours Faithfully

Mystic Darkness chapter 10 . 7/3/2004
That was REALLY good! I liked it a lot. Continue soon when you get an idea!
Phantom Aria chapter 10 . 7/2/2004
This is such a sweet chapter. I just love the song too. The mere thought of Erik and Christine's kids playing together warms my heart. I never had that kind of thing with my sister, we fought more than anything. Well anyways very good as usual and I hope you get the inspiration you deserve.

Thank you so much for the dedication.
RainsPhantom chapter 9 . 7/1/2004
I believe this story is on my favs... This is so good! Continue on my dear! Who are you madly in love with?
xLadyJackal chapter 9 . 7/1/2004
EP! MY name is Julia! Back on the favvies list for that one little detail!
Phantom Aria chapter 9 . 7/1/2004
Twins! This is such a great story. I am so happy that you updated this story, I could never have asked for a better birthday present :). Keep up the wonderful work my friend.
Emmy6 chapter 8 . 6/12/2004
Here is my suggestion;


Let them have twins which would be so lovely, two for the price of one love? That's my opinion, only don't kill them off. :-D
Mystic Darkness chapter 8 . 3/28/2004
I loved it so far! Please update soon!
Unlikely Mermaid chapter 8 . 2/1/2004
*sings* We saw the holy men
Come in from Sanchi
We touched their souls
And heard Martyrs crying
Among the fields of red
We took the strange brew
The windless sky diwali
Moon were calling to me
The deeper I go
The higher I fly with you
You take my breath away
aw, another cute fluffy chappy- though I'm not a big fan of pregnancy, lol, as you well know. this ought to be interesting to introduce raoul back in to find her pregnant, now CVhristine must be married to Erik, lol, otherwise it would be scandelous! lol
Phantom Aria chapter 8 . 1/30/2004
Aw. What a sweet chapter. She's gonna have a baby, how perfect is that. Keep up the amazingly incredible work.
PS. You're quite welcome and you deserve so much more encouragement and support.
draegon-fire chapter 8 . 1/29/2004
That is so cool that they're having a baby! I'm glad this chapter stayed away from Raoul. If he finds them, I wonder how he's going to react to her being pregnant.
Unlikely Mermaid chapter 7 . 1/10/2004
its so prettyful! fluffiness is good, keep writing!
Phantom Aria chapter 7 . 1/9/2004
Very sweet chapter. I just loved the whole sunset thing. Very cool. Keep it up.
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