Reviews for Macross Untold Stories Volume I
Giulio The Roman chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
I appreciate so much your way to fill the voids in the story.
I hope my words will persuade you not to let both these stories die.
I say both because the second chapter is not the continuation of the first and I feel that both deserve another shot.
Whatever the reason for you not to update (family, work, Dolza's fleet, etc.), remember there are avid readers out there!
So many years have passed since your last update, but one can always hope, isn't it?
Keep in touch!
Abril Caballero chapter 2 . 3/19/2015
..and then? jejeje
dwparsnip chapter 2 . 4/30/2013've written this story in English, Aiki, so you need to tell me what "To be continued..." means in your neck of the woods. LOL

If I can update Sit Room after almost 5 years, then you can throw a little something together. ;)

mammothhunterd chapter 2 . 11/9/2008
Again, I liked this piece too, for all the same reasons. You really catpured the "feell" of the to the stars" episode and fleshed it out. It was pretty short in the tv series as well as in the Art ! Description, a blurb really. Guess becuase it was kinda meant more for kids emtional sutff and lots of talk concering that was kept short

I could almost picture my Marlene character knocking o his door just to up the awkwardness...Marlene a great charcter for me becuase he's rough around the edges and really unlike most fo the RDF crew.

whne i wrote my first draft of my chapter a long time ago, i had Lisa and Rick, i don't recall quite who babysat for Max and Miriya. Since all for of them had no baby rearing expericnes it was kinda fun scene. Rick ended up falling on Lisa (i think the power went out and there was low table or something...and she ended up with a broken leg which carried into later scenaes and awkwardness. I did revive the scene with my Marlene character, who does have child rearing experiences (she had to give up little baby for adoption or face a whole list of charges becuase she was a mess: drug and alochol and her father forced her to join the RDF as a way to spare the charges) in an earlier flahsback scne to her highschool days it's a matter of Marlene's boyfriend droping by when she babysitting and while they are getting "closer". the baby's parents get home.

Another thing about robotech is there a "saved by the bell moment" always possible...the battle alarm goes off
mammothhunterd chapter 1 . 11/9/2008
Since you read my Robotech story, figured i do the online neighborly thing and give your a read over.

I really enjoyed reading it! I think we share a similar coversation style, it was like i was reading my own work.

Robotech is magical becuase long time after we saw it as kids we can gleen and pull things out of it as adults.

A lot of my chartcers do as your do: talk about their issues and other people's issues..but not in a gossipy way, you can save that for the Bridger Bunnies if you have them in a scene!

Also because we are older thing come into play like drinking issues and suicides. Keep writing!
Lunacharm chapter 2 . 2/8/2008
Wonderful story and very well written. I think you nailed Lisa and Rick personalities perfectly.
hippogriff-tamer chapter 2 . 11/28/2007
that was a great story..I liked how you incorporated Lisa's feelings for Karl and the conversation between Claudia and Roy about Lisa. I also wanted to thank you for the review that you gave my story. I greatly appreciated it.
AddictedtoTsuzukiTatsumi chapter 2 . 9/14/2006
Okay; I love this story! More now :-)
gppr chapter 2 . 8/2/2006
I liked how you managed the tension between them. Lisa's feelings and thoughts regarding the situation seemed right on. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Anna chapter 1 . 7/10/2006
I really like this story, why haven't you finished it? I sure wish you would write another chapter. I'm a huge Rick and Lisa fan so let's have the two of them get together and make it really romantic. Happy writing!
talonlm chapter 1 . 12/29/2003
Great background information! Good story! Keep it coming!
Chaos Blade chapter 1 . 8/31/2003
Well... this is, interesting

there are a few places you change tense, but are minor.

asides from that I saw no problems, so, keep up the good work.
delectate chapter 1 . 8/22/2003
I like it! I like the additional perspectives this fic offers...please continue it soon! _
k71 chapter 1 . 8/20/2003
Great story! I also thought Lisa's suicide attempt was passed off too easily. Rick should have been shaken up more afterwards. Please update soon, I can't wait!
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