Reviews for Through the Walls
creibly chapter 20 . 6/8
I absolutely love these 3 stories! I have never cried so much reading a story either. You are a fantastic writer. Keep writing! Thank you so very much!
Haolia chapter 20 . 2/24
I spent 2 days reading this series. Definitely a great work! I’ve cried several times during the reading. Thank you for your time and dedication to the work. I’m also foreign to English but I know none of the other languages you provide. So I’m really grateful that you have this work in English. Looking forward to more of your works!
Jimbocous chapter 20 . 1/1
Thanks for an intriguing trio of stories. Truly a great read!
lostdreamer23 chapter 1 . 12/24/2019
realize this is super old, but you should back your stuff up on AO3. i was surprised to see your stuff wasn't over there already.
catonmic33 chapter 20 . 11/26/2019
Amazing job, really !
Bielaszewska chapter 20 . 10/6/2019
The whole trilogy is one of the best written fanfic I have ever encountered. I love it. Congratulations. The plot is very well planned and designed, it’s engaging, frequently unexpected and nerve-wracking; the characters are complex and believable. I want to thank you very much for your hard work and encourage you to keep writing, no matter in which world. Best wishes, with love.
Losthompson chapter 20 . 10/3/2019
This series was truly awesome
I laughed, I cried, I fell of my bed in a fit of giggles
But most importantly the plot was amazing and the characters were so well written
I’m so glad you decided to share this fic with everyone because it’s certainly made my month
Nnyl Eissej chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
Just reread the series over a few days. It’s as amazing as I remember! Thank you!
Selene Malfoy Lupin chapter 20 . 7/29/2019
Luxarias chapter 20 . 7/17/2019
Well,I read the entire story in the last two days and I thinj the plot is there are questions remaining...But I wanted to tell you, how much I enjoyed the story, so thank you for writing it
AHHHH chapter 20 . 6/25/2019
I stayed up until 3 AM to finish this series. I really thought you killed Harry. And I hated you. When Severus turned his wand on himself, I screamed, "YOU BITCH! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Just like I did when JK killed Dumbledore. I cried at the end. It's not often a fanfic makes me actually cry. Bravo. (If you couldn't tell, I loved every word)
newgoer chapter 20 . 5/16/2019
Thank you for such a long and beautiful story. It was a delight to read although I had to pretend having dust in my eyes too many times during public reading. Have a great day!
Erimenthe chapter 20 . 1/31/2019
I loved this series. I couldn't even stop to review at the end of each because I needed to know what happened next. So many heartaches/heartbreaks throughout and yet a wonderfully beautiful happy ending (thank you for that). I do love that they ended up with a mini Severus, though I'm not sure if Qui is a mini Harry or mini Hermione...maybe a mix? I am glad Ron got his head back on straight and that it started before he found out it really was Harry. It made it more...not sure what the word is but yeah...even if he inserted foot in mouth about it after he found out Quiet was Harry lol. I am so glad that Severus got everything back. They both needed, and deserved, to have that.
aemilyl24 chapter 20 . 12/18/2018
Wow, this story was incredible! Thank you for creating a wonderful and unique story.
Nina05 chapter 20 . 12/11/2018
omg this a foreign language to you, to me too so I can understand perfectly your effort
thanks for sharing this story
I hated you half of the chapter and I loved you through the other half
wonderful fic
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