Reviews for The Winter Art Burglary
Cerotoro chapter 6 . 6/19/2007
PCP? LSD? What are those things? Some kind of drug substance?
April chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
Like I said, I loved this story!
H.Skyfire chapter 30 . 10/29/2003
Well, a great ending to a great story. Everything was wrapped up nicely. I really liked the storyline that was followed. I like when we get a glimpse into the world that people with money tend to hide in. The world of art, multi-million dollar homes and designer drugs. Everything is so secretive, so covered up. Anyway, it made for exciting background.

Having her find her sister, that was a cool twist. Fighting the rest of her family, sad, but well written. Great story overall.
Jess J chapter 30 . 10/22/2003
A wonderful, excellent ending to a wonderful, excellent story! I loved it, some of my favorite parts of the story: Catherine and her being Dylan's sister. I loved that aspect, giving Dylan some actual blood family. Connor, the dog! I love dogs, and Connor is adorable, especially with Anthony. The engagement and the ring. I'm so glad their going to get married! And I WANT that ring! The whole family being the bad guys slant, it was great and gave it plenty of well-written angst.

A wonderful, excellent, great story! Looking forward to much more from you!
Jess J chapter 29 . 10/18/2003
A wonderful, sweet, loving, WAFFy chapter! I am so fond of it! And Connor, so adorable! and I want that ring!

H.Skyfire chapter 28 . 10/15/2003
Aw, dat was a cute chapter...
Jess J chapter 28 . 10/14/2003
Hey, it's a great story, I must leave nice reviews for it! Another wonderful chapter, my dear, so sweet! I like the dog part, so cute! Can't wait for more!
Jess J chapter 27 . 10/10/2003
Beuatiful, but then, all you're WAFF is. Such lovely WAFFiness in this chapter, I am in love with the A/D WAFFiness.

You're great at writing those sweet, tender moments between them, and it was a nice break from the angst, altough you handled the angstiness very well too! Can't wait for more!
Jess J chapter 26 . 10/7/2003
Long review, ok.

Well, I loved it. I'm very glad you let Catherine live, very happy about that. And the whole part with the baby and the gifts and stuff, great, nice fluffy moment after all that (well-written and wonderful) angst! Hope you'll update again soon, and bring on the WAFFiness!

You're such a great A/D WAFF writer!
H.Skyfire chapter 25 . 10/6/2003
(screams loudly, covers mouth in horror)

It cut through his arm? As in cut his arm off? EESH! Well, anyway I'm glad those two are dead. They should'a known who they were going up against - an angel and an expert swordsman! Great chappie! Yay!
Jess J chapter 25 . 10/5/2003
Excellent chapter, Luv! Some good action, good touch of angst, can't wait to read what happens next! Hopefully well get some A/D fluff, you're always good at that!
H.Skyfire chapter 24 . 10/4/2003
Oh no! What are they going to do to them? Great chapter, very sinister the way the father and son have absolutely no problem with beating and killing members of their own family. This guy sounds really powerful to have so much property all over the world as well as contacts everywhere keeping tabs on everyone. I hope they take this guy and his son down soon.
Jess J chapter 24 . 10/4/2003
Gah, cliffy again! Ok, Dylan's dad is a bastard. That being said, excellent chapter, some great angst in there. Now, can we have the next chapter please?
Jess J chapter 23 . 10/3/2003
GAH! No, that can't be it! Evil cliffy!

Oh, still a great cappy, very intriguing and all! But post more soon, I need more!
Jess J chapter 22 . 10/3/2003
Excellent chapter! Very curious of what will happen next, though fortunately I have another chapter to read! But you must hurry and post more, please!

And thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my A/D WAFF that much!
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