Reviews for Dancing Butterflies
Kita chapter 4 . 11/18/2011
O.O please continue
catsblood15 chapter 4 . 10/30/2010
O_O you must continue this, or i will send rabid monkeys to eat you O_o'
RikaNipah chapter 4 . 12/14/2008
This story really tugged at my heartstrings. I loved it.
heartslogos chapter 4 . 12/18/2006
OMG. That is amazing! I love this fic. Update soon. I love butterflies to.
Intoxicated Biscuit chapter 4 . 6/27/2005
*o* Amazing story. Wonderful. Is the story of the Butterfly Lovers something you made up, or is it an actual Chinese legend?
Eminem- Reincarnation chapter 4 . 1/12/2005
Pwease up date soon!I loved it!
0inactive0 chapter 4 . 8/7/2004
oh. my. gosh. this is an amazing peice of work. it really is. i hope that you continue it. i love the effect that you put in with the the Butterfly Lovers amoung other things. please do continue.
IMPROVED Uber Rei Model 06 chapter 4 . 7/24/2004
[Sniffs] Is that the last chapter? It was sweet. _ I hope Kaiba, whatever bastard shell he might have on, does find true happiness!
keeperofcoldtoes chapter 4 . 12/21/2003
H.h.: fuck. that was one hell of a fic!
Nickster: *fiddles with hair* that traquilizer was supposed to last an hour longer. i'm going to ask for a refund. did you know that firechild is back?
Nickster: right beside you.
firechild: Hi Ya, i'm back! i'v not been sending reviews lately because i've not been over at H.h. house in a long time i don't have my own com.( silently pouting) o well see ya!
Nickster: hey, isn't that your friend that you was talking about the other day?
Nickster: O.O only God knows what trouble two insane people may cause! *pulls out tranquilizer*
H.h.: NOO! *runs off with a hamster she named Fred*
SetoKaiba-wingweaver chapter 4 . 11/4/2003
Me: Much oddness. I do not get this. But sort of. If you give me a plot I might just get it.

Kuro: You don't get alot of things.

Me: Exactly. Just write more and might just get it.
x-sky-fire-x chapter 4 . 10/19/2003
Wow... *sparkly eyes*
MeeLee chapter 4 . 10/18/2003
How interesting. The third chapter seemed so final, and here's a new twist. I'm glad you're writing this; I haven't read a decent Seto-centric fic in a long while.

Relick chapter 4 . 10/15/2003
*sobbing hysterically* My poor Set-chan! I don't understand! How do you manage to ALWAYS make me cry, Ecila? Great chapter! Update soon!
beriath chapter 4 . 10/13/2003
it's so beautifully written, but then in chapter four i sense something going to yaoi? or i misinterpreted something? hm...

please continue the good work! i definitely love the way you describe the buterfly lovers! and this seto is so interesting (pretty angsty)!
Dragon Master's Mistress chapter 4 . 10/13/2003
Wow, this was a really great chapter! Seto's really starting to open up and turn into a really sensitive person, isn't he? I'm still trying to get used to that idea. Good job and update really soon!
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