Reviews for A Loony Jackle Story
TheDualWriter chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You just combined two of my favorites things...WILE E. COYOTE and JACKLE!
Flamefox2 chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
lol that was hilarious! I insist that you continue! ::faves::
Feniiku chapter 1 . 6/9/2005
funny! I likey :) you should write more _

*watches jackle get confused and chase roadrunner instead*
Dan the Echidna chapter 1 . 6/8/2004
Okay. Funny. And PLEASE MAKE MORE! Not often you see a NiGHTS/Roadrunner combo. *Fadness*
Earthplayer Powerstar chapter 1 . 2/25/2004
,That was so funny!
Prominence Flare chapter 1 . 9/5/2003
This is hilarious. Roadrunner RULES!

It would be cool if you made a series of this.
Rena chapter 1 . 9/4/2003
::reads the chapter:: ::smiles:: LOL AHAHAHAHAHA! This is so funny! Is this one-shot or a series? This is really funny. I kinda feel sorry for Jackle. How dare NiGHTS do that! _; Again really funny!
Shadow's Mirror chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
::chuckle:: Good story! I particularly liked the 'conversation' between the two towards the start ;D That plan was a classic too. Very funny.

Yes, that was nicely done. Although I now have an urge to hum the Road Runner theme...
Avis chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
*sigh* And I thought Reala was big-headed...oh well. I love that poor disillusioned demi-maren anyway.

*grin* And Roadrunner's my favorite Loony Tune character. Roadrunner rules.

AC: I thought Jackle ruled.

No, he _rocks_. There's a difference.

Insomnia: You said Juno ruled.

...hooyeah. Drat.

AC: Say Roadrunner is cool.

Bass: Stupid.

Melon: ...cookie?

Juno: Fascinating.

Insomnia: *brightly* How about Roadrunner's nice?

...lacks something.
taiyo chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
This is quite a humorous story. ;) It fits very well, both Jackle and Wile E. seem to be quite demented and never catch what they're chasing. Hehe. This story definitely deserves a sequel or two. Jackle (crazius nightmarus) NiGHTS (goofius jesterus)
sugarplum chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
what the hell ARE you on hun?

I want some XD!

Absolutely gorgeous work, really loved the ending-too cute for words! Jackle makes a very idol-istic genius, non? ;3
Dusk the Wolf chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
*giggles* do you know how funny this is? It's kinda almost on the 'insanity' level, if you know what I mean. Heeheehee. . .!

Pyra: Probably not. No one ever knows what you're going on about, Dusk.

Shuddap Pyra.

I love this. Please carry on! See, you have one request already. _